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NBME 18 Answers

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—aneurysmclip(209)
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licbsayla spyotyccli dsnieyk nt'wo orwk l,yoprper ey'veht enihtd ta isht wtih eht fo sugl.d/4mht hte iydkne wtn'o do atwh its espsodpu ot .do EBEREMRM ot ecckh erwhhet teyh aer ksaign SUMRE hnscgea ro ERNUI csgneah

y dsKnei nrloma nuioftcn - osbrearb -O3HC , sit ont oidng thta own gt;& dcreaesde 3HCO

T HP - uodwl uasce csidarene aCmciul tsrorbpeoina in ski,dney tub kyneids aen'rt laeb to rebboras luccami ;&tg PTH dpsoensr ot lwo cumcial llvees adn slleve eeiancsr

O4P seti tnio THP sa llew, THP acst eb ECRAEIDGSN OP4 rsopteab.rino iencS eiksdny etn'ar gonkirw :ie not spgonneird ot PHT ;&tg erhet ouldw eb nceesari ni P4O

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pg32  teSmiesom eseht ussionqte rea adme rome ufidlfcit yb rgtiny ot cedehipr hte oedrr in wichh heset eghncsa ppaneh ifts(r .cuesa) In my mndi, ehvwnree I ees a soutniqe no arenl ui,iccniesffny I ownk atht hpopthaes in eht rusem llwi In onssep,er aC lwil decasere and in prsonsee ot tth,a TPH lliw sneirce.a yasltL nad lueenr,tad 3OHC lwli rseadcee acubese teh iksnedy atren' bainsbgro C3HO sa tyeh yuslalu .do +15
baja_blast  I alos thnki ereht is desaedcre phla1a aioydlyxronth of Viniatm D, hcwhi ulwod ieaesrcn TPH scnreieto +3
freebie  Tish qeoinssut is sgtneit eht ceqeenusscon of aelrn fuialre -tg-&; "MDA UN"EHGR cieomnmn ni dAriFtsi +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by konkon(3)
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I tgo tihs oen wnorg. I ugttohh eerht is kemepayrilah hwcih ladse ot ksllsoaia

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hellhellhell  mHm +
itsalwayslupus  fI oyu lkoo at FA 9012 p. 905 edrnu nequsCsnceoe of leaRn lrFuiae M"(AD UE)"RHG,N rtehe si ihyeamapekrl nda a bmactlioe dssiocia +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cbrodo(77)
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Rnlae adgeam rmof PDK anc liumlyetat ceusa iconrhc alrne ccfenuifsiniy. sThi rmapsii het tiblyai fo eth knyeid ot eretxec opurphhsso dan rsaebrbo H.OC3 altdeEve htpesopha leeslv in eth oodlb tsgigrer eeaesrl of FG-F32 mrof b,eno hicwh erswlo iaimvnt D dorinupoct dan cdseerase laccumi iasnropbto in eht inesne.itt The ngertsliu lhyaaiomcpce nad ephrstiaphhpemoya will elda ot an nariesec in eht icorenste of T.HP

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