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NBME 16 Answers

nbme16/Block 4/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old woman, gravida 4, para 0, ...
Unbalanced chromosome rearrangement ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—utap2001(27)
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Tereh era herte styep of owDn y:rnoemds tmyisor 12 o(oiunnn),cdtnsij snonraotticla nad imiscsoma.

osyirTm ,21 het tsom coonmm pety of Dwno dnsyore,m rcucso hewn reeth ear ehert, trreha tnah ,tow rnubem 21 oosmcrehosm esprnet in yeerv lelc of hte .dbyo dnetIsa fo eth auuls 64 csormhoe,osm a orpsne tiwh nDow monsyerd sha 7.4 It is sith tdainialod enigtec lirmatae htta elatsr the sucero fo elmptvodnee adn sseuca eth rietarctcishasc oseiaactsd wtih eth mnrd.seoy yoTisrm 21 ucaosnct orf 9%5 of aesc.s

rnoTaltcsnaoi cstnaouc orf %4 fo lal secsa fo onDw sdne.ymor nI lt,cntaionaosr tpra of moomsceorh 21 srkabe ffo diugnr lcle noviisid adn tsthaeca to horetan oecosmoh,mr ayllitpyc moecsrohom 14. Weilh eht aottl nrumeb fo oceosmorhms ni het sllce mriena ,46 het encesper of na raetx arpt fo shroomomec 12 ucssae eht siaeriartscchct of Down m.ynrdeso

ciMsmsioa cuoscr nhew ooisndjcintunn of eoscrmmoho 12 eatsk caple ni neo โ€“ utb ont all โ€“ of hte anitlii lcel ividonssi refat nnoehtt.firzieilWa tsih ,rccosu hteer si a temxiur of owt eystp of ll,ecs osem nnonticagi hte suaul 64 ormsoshecmo adn hsoetr agncninoit 7.4 iMissacmo catcosnu rfo tuaob %1 of all ecass fo wDno reyds.onm

woldrU egnicte niecots has maiirsl itqn.ouse

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submitted by โˆ—feliperamirez(45)
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psucSte cenlauadbn orainastcoltn nhew hrete aer temiplul rbhti olssse and some srbiht rteslu ni iism.osret

meemerRb it uasesc 4 % of noDw desrynmo

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bingcentipede  elnadca"bnU orosmcohme mgerer"tnnarae is osla a nsrtidiopec fo mytsoir in dan of ftlsie +
bingcentipede  lnaUebc"nda ohomrmsoce ar"rnterneemga si lsao a encipirsdot fo rtimsoy in nad of fsilte +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—notyasupreme(48)
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I wsa tnikgnhi it cludo be 1q212 iotclrmnoieed eacbuse htat loas wudlo vhea oanrbmal nsoarg et(,ahr st,umhy a)aohptrsirdy adn labaonmr fcae. o,S mI' stju iewongrnd hwo 'eouyr esosdpup to ynfdileeit kown ti aws omTrysi 21. I ahd eht alinrogi rsnewa ot,o iamd!nt

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nbmeanswersownersucks  I inhtk 'its moer eabecus a enaopsusont lioncmtrdieeo oludw nto ayelrl exnailp eht siuvreop ltso isnneegaprc ehaersw na dbnaaencul asnaniootcrtl in eth omm duolc. Adn I nthki ti oulcd be nay of eht ibg timrsseoi 3(1, 1,8 )21 ubt 12 is omts mcomon. +5
m0niagui  o,s ti si eth mroeth ttah hsa 'nDows Sd? +
jj375  ,No teh tomrhe sndeot vahe owdn As afr sa I ,nwko teh mhrtoe ahs a ENADACBL snaialnctorot - fro lmxapee t(aotyll dame eht roohoecsmm # )pu hes aym eahv a icpee fo mohcr 11 nad orchm 4 wpsa pasc.el rHeeowv ehty ear eclnbaad insec tehy ear obht e,ehtr on tgeienc laertaim si gmisnis os seh lokos ahelhyt nda is .feni UBT ehnw erh ggse ear med,a esom esgg yma teg eht hcmro 11 (+ pecei fo rhmco 4) dna htne hre errglua ycpo of crhom .N..wo4 tath bayb osal estg a omrocosehm 4 romf eht .dda hTe bbay lwli ned up ihtw 3 cspeoi of part of cmorh 4 ubt 1 patr of rmhoc !11 oS eht idk is balnucdane adn may die in turoe o(oaestnnpus .ob)rnaosti I poeh ahtt wsa elacr reHe is a phoot hatt may p:leh sk/cpht/0o5nncbf_2efso:mai/.pmddem0sec2ofat.c6fasoo/ilem.h0hgt0ih/ca/cdf +2
chaosawaits  I nihkt teh nitpo si ahtt no mertta ihwhc sseeaid you ikhnt ti si, hreewth iorsytm ,31 ,81 12 ro even ueTnrr r,yesdomn in lal ehsto tecgien ird,sdrseo eth tosm ocmmon scaue si an dancnubela msomhceoro .neemgraetranr I otdn' htnki 'uoyre ultclaay spdsopue to nkwo eth ssdaeei. +1
an1  taah@wscisao eTh MCC is tno cltlyaua nedacbulna mohmossocre sieotarn(ornb ~ .4)% eth smot nmomco si cunidtoinjsonn %.9)~(5 aols a oiptn fmor WU was thta rtrinboesaon defstce iwll otfne aevh a yamfil hx of ucrnterer ais.esrrciagm ew 'ntod hvae a maf hx of tish nowma ubt hes sefrhle hsa a xh ihchw udloc olas plhe su siadn.ego dan oclydns,e ladngoa ioasmmcis cdulo aveh eben erlud out ilesay csuaeeb noagald si a,tafl yoln mocsiat cna luerts ni vvsialru! +

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