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NBME Free 120 Answers

free120/Block 1/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
During an experiment, a Southern blot ...
Gene rearrangement ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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uYo nca loko at isth sntoieuq caateglyt.slir

  1. Sneurtoh blot ;-g&-t so .NAD
  2. teyh rae gnusi an neuldeaeonsc to etrnsraf tbis, tihs 'onsdet lyearl eanm hynigatn ot yuo tye.
  3. DcAN si rgbipno fro nselig ugo-mictmounlslboatnnni n.greio

ta'hsT tiptmoar,n aseubec wno yuo nwok they are ngoklio ta teh tcnosnat gienro of imolgumnnoiulb aak cF fo the aevhy an.ich

So ywh si this cADN tath scdoeen c,F gihlintg up olyn enco ni ohret si,setus utb teh mesa DANc ilgtsh pu teilpmul emtsi ni enla 2 e(bno r?mwar)o Tshi is au,cbese ta teh oebn rmaowr omrand iotbcirenamon of tglhi ro veahy hicna ucsor,c nda uro NcDA si nreestp in terndiffe oarmnd tcooiminnsab wiht iglht ahscin. htaT pifsicec NAcD eqcuenes yhet duse d'ditn nhgcea ewenbte the ssieuts or eevn wnitih het bneo ao,rwmr nda ti lilw lnyo ndbi ot hte oen egne eeuqesnc. eTh cfta 'sit hgligint pu mliuptel etmis elstl you atht het saem sueeecqn is spnte,re yuro nostiueq si hwy so myan im.tes

lAso a dies eo,nt oehrntsu sobtl aer tiem nsicnugmo, os slab sue rhtoe mostdeh ot od eht same nghti kl(ie RCP,) ubt oerunsth slotb era ilstl eht setb newh it ecosm to ceichnkg binuolnimgluom nda T ellc epcrtore gnee ernaarnetemgr.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sugaplum(487)
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isTh ntesqiou si ignsak otuab JDV tennraeraegrm iwchh epasphn ni the boen .oarrmw The gsnee rae all hepcdop pu uecesba eth B ecll si itrngy to eantgree a iqnueu motinbnoaic rof sit tcopreer
le mspi cc.onpt.e.s odd gondwir

haptrCe 3 of w"ho het eimmun smyste osk"wr - somaewe boko

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varunmehru  ni eth nequosti tem,s hyet rae sigank tuaob a nonctast engri.o DJV etnarreenagrm is ofr teh lb.vriaae It 'etosnd amke snsee :( +4
sallz  Boht teh tctnsona e(ayhv nchsi)a dna eth tighl hncias ngdeuro gene reretaegm.nanr eTh haevy cahni reogdesnu (D)JV nramod inmnce,osabrtio ihwle eht gilth niahc uegndro VJ dranom neoocbmi.nsriat oS egen enrgreematnra lduco wokr orf hobt or.gsein +13
azibird  heT ctatnosn oienrg odes tno unrgedo ht'asT hyw s'it eallcd .ncatsnot st'I stju ihgtr exnt to het vlaraeib erogni utoh,hg os etyh teg sexedesrp gohteetr sa eon prnotie. ahTs't why het -dnbsaltloneteca NDA rongie is eavairlb enhtlg +4
chaosawaits  ueroY' tgirh htta teh cosatntn irnego si ont eingguondr noobitr.acmnei hTe ilumetpl sdban aer not od ot stanontc grnoei atanrmngere;er ts'i deu to eth iaealrbv ihacn rngeraiagnr adn thne teh NcAD bepro that si isefcpci ot the octasntn eriong taastehc to hcea fo tehes ngnaer,ermrtsae esnic ti 'thsna dceganh +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—em_goldman(31)
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I ievelbe spl( ctorecr em fi Im' n)grwo uoy wudlo evha airlism tnrSheou lobt sueslrt enes in B lelcs oniugerdng ticasom ttneo,amiyuprh utb that ketsa acelp ni teh rseoayncd lpihmydo tuseis, ton in het bneo mw.orar

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madamestep  I hnikt reuoy' thrig +

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submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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I adre isht uesqotni sa iazgynnal niisnoumgmlbolu in teh oben rowamr sv uto tigrncclaui I wno aeerzil hist is gwo,rn dna thye rea sutj iynaanzgl het DNA fo eetdfnfri clle pian,poulto eikl a hpatcteyeo orf ,axlepem nto bosimulomginlnu spetern in the .irevl

tihW htis elredca up, I nac ese woh VD(J) oimernabtconi loucd mkea teh iroiglna NAD sconiet o.hetsrr tBu ohw duloc JV()D ocaoitnniberm opbsylis kema the NAD scnteoi grnol?e rTehe rae basdn no eth leg ttah are eghhri lucmoealr iwtgeh in hte oben rr.amow bconiRntmaoei nylo tnsrhoes teh ,AND oonemes asleep ceorrct m.e

Aslo wyh si teerh on nadb ni the ebno amrwor ahtt si eth saem izes sa eelhrrppia sd?ban uSyelr teh HCSs heva nto deuoegrnn oromnbti,caein ehrwe si etrhi A?D??N

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azibird  Heer is the fuierg from lKapan gmluonImoy. See woh mncinoabotrei ylno seamk hte equescen hres?to rI/umfpt.2:h/asHroucm/jgift/ap lKna saol :says W"ihle eyavh nhaic geen mseetgns rae gduegrnoin oincae,mtbionr the yeznem lmiaetrn dnootlobrludyciexyie nssfetraear tT)d( dolynrma tiessnr sabse otuh(tiw a lmetatpe on het ylenpomtrmcae trsn)ad at het nisjtnuco of ,V D, nda J egenstms u-diolteNnec( idnioat.d) eTh marond nddtiioa of the -elounc eidt agtensere oiulnntajc .vseovery"Hitwr,ied hits wlduo nto acctuon orf het queal wispeets etlegngnihn fo NA,D whhic is eclryal ofrm heste alenbmecoibr siutn. +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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goicnhE r'letos@aow ctm.mnoe

hsTi Q is lsaeisytenl ingksa Wtha" si the intfcoun fo rnuSheto l"ob?ts

rseA:wn Teh unitfnoc fo hruteoS slotb is to cehck ofr CRB or RCT egne eaetnerarngsrm.

eSe wasoo'l@tre tlxoaepnnia rfo tahw is paifilcsleyc gingo no as arf as hwy terhe era diterfenf adbns ta idtenrffe lpaces. nA,gia teh aeswrn to itsh si een"g "mearnrtganree tbu orew@lato islpneax ni htwi meor a.ledti

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bwdc(697)
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thenuorS otsbl era ymnomclo sdue ni nmacgioliulom it,ssdue sa the unserhot tobl swlalo fro het sdytu of ADN ailr.etstano Waht is mnrayllo oen geen cognaniriofut deatelr ot immneu obsgnliul ni most utssesi esatsodntemr eilptmul nfeeidftr sndba in teh oebn r,mawro tcievnidia fo enge nrta.neeremgar hTsi is lcbalysia hwo we creeat wen i.edtanbosi aiRcvete seessprco rae lnollcpayo tullpmei( ;danbs) leieukam, in o,snttcar si cnlomlnoao (eislng b)nda.

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ali  I tisll dโ€™not erudtdnsna iths o.en oludC ouy iverdpo a ttebre toaex?npinal +1
bwdc  The cNAD tag is gngtiga a ansonctt nierog omnocm ot oinblunimlsgmou, os it alornlmy nloy sidnf eht eno bdna ernigsoproncd to that rpuiatclra eeng te(h bnsad avtlre eftendirf nomsuta deu to herit fdgeiifrn wti).h/zigese In eht ebno rraomw lsmpae, htat eegn has rrdeegarna iel,tsf os het NADc leocn identas atsg lpuletim fdfeneitr egnse thta era of rfdfnetie iezss on hte lge aceh( noe ash ttah aems nanttosc igrnoe eth DANc is anggit,g utb itwh rdntfeeif ftsuf noadur ti suhc tath teh itticrseonr enzyme has uct it up ldfneyi.r)etf dโ€™I be pphay ofr mnosoee ot tesp in nad od a ebtert ojb on atth aeoinn.xpalt +19
em_goldman  A heoutSnr otbl tsrsta by tingutc NDA starnds ta a cuaiatrrlp t(so)rh tise nda nungrin htem gthrouh elg hcpeoir,loeersst os tnciidael DAN ceenuqses teg utc at eht smae tsei adn thus rae hte seam g,helnt os teyh era at teh meas eplca on the ge.l If s'ehetr oslt fo tdeeffnir encseues,q eth ecnsirtrtoi laseneoeducn e(th osisrc)ss tuc the AND ta redfenfti l,caesp ngidale to ntarssd ahtt were eht asem glnhte rilnayiglo btu are onw lsot of enrtfdfie netsglh g&t;- dnrfefiet caelsp no eht Btu hwo do you ownk ihts is eht amse ,gnee just ihwt ifretfdne mtaosiu?nt eTh tShnreuo obtl suse a eobrp to lkoo rfo a emro pefsccii )lg(on eingro fo ADN htta uoy onwk si ni teh aegrtt oS even gtuohh reeth rea mtsaoiutn asnucig hte ecs-sifplecis scundleaonee ot ctu eth NAD ta fneirefdt ptrsa, the lovrlea iarueccrhtet fo teh nege is siilmra onghue ahtt the orpbe acn ,indb utsh we ownk it's teh esma eegn. dnA( in nebo rroawm sC,WB teh mecasmhin here si ietnceg mn)ae.rntrergea +2

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