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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman with asthma comes to the ...
Ask the roommate not to smoke in the apartment ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +105  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tissue creep(133)
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hTe epoldo si cpoyan,herliegl dna a 0011/ ogdo .oyb

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medguru2295  rFo omes ,eaonsr I n'tca uo.vept Btu E.UPTEVEEOE gsDo rae il!fe +1
mynamejeff  hTe oloepd is ihecargllopye,n nda a 0101/ doog yob. +
unknown001  on ,anm goiknms si fiel P:- +

 +17  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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dlCo ira dcseniu aamhts akt.stca

rsecnaiDge uresoc daol tonw pelh

angiTk oeisrdst is oto uhcm orf own

Moving kabc to eth drsmo is tno beliav

Air nearescl tnod kowr hugoen

noDt tge idr of het odGo eyBo

okgSimn sodnoir si gigssitudn

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sherry  eSsrts nac alcultya eb a rgterig ofr am.stah I kithn the rempolb eher is tath hse sah aaysswl deicarr a heyav ucroes, while the eseisda stju taestrd eternlc.y +8
medguru2295  Ssesrt eksam astamh .ewsro rheTeof,er ekep googd orf rtsses !reeifl +1
qiss  slAo reh sotpsymm trsatde 3 omhsnt oga nad ehs ovdme ni hitw a mearotmo hwo smokes onridso 3 ohnsmt aog. +2
jrish  utB d'tnowlu het esokm no the smmrotaeo shctelo illts eacsu fnsnigitcai tasahm semrob?lp +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by saturdaynightpalsy(10)
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oS ew ear tsju uspdesop ot wkon hatt doopels rae .rh.aoielgnelcy.p

I put "get an iar ar"eceln eeabcus I tgthuho insgak eth omreamot ot stop osmgikn wduol be yondbe teh cpeso of hte iypiacnsh and encis I idndt wokn spoleod reew chpolryl,ngiaee I tuhghto lw",le nvee fi hte romameto ptpdeos knmo,igs 'ehlsl ltsil avhe esisus uebcaes of teh etp na"drde.


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luciana  mSea er,he I ogt douecfsn auebesc ti eesdme taht hte eksmo DNA the god eerw het sge,grtir so I cipdek "voMe bkac ot the omseoti"dirr os all teh rggrites dlowu eb nhWo eg.o oudwl giinmea olepdso ewer eyeoipnglarhcl +
luciana  Fro sehto lkei me how t'iddn know eehrt swa 1 rclyigelheapno g,do teher ear 32 to uoy mzerimeo ): anohcctli3esgbroa/h-i-lee-h/l:.gbgteop.yr/ge2ddsoahdomhe-dssaot-entpldvts-- +2
jamaicabliz  Teh awy I hgtothu obuta ti aws atht 'hses dah het odeolp ofr gloren nhat 3 hm,ntso eicns esh goutbrh ti ihwt rhe, nda 'dtind eems to vhea blpesorm feaobrnedh +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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wsAayl hesco sgokimn fi ouy see ti. In any type fo .uenstioq no'tD evne ader :)

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dragon3(15)
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I olmsat cepkdi naskig the emoroamt tno to ksmeo in eth metprt,naa tbu neht I fgideru st'hat enbdyo teh pcoes fo het thearon rpeosn aids ngkati sesirdto odwlu eb oto uchm fro ,now dan I sppsoue h'tsat ueseabc hte shmata is lneetrcoll-dowl hwit her herlain r?n 'htast( hwta I adh ckei)dp

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sherry  I uwodl say teh taenpsi't hmsaat lyon ogt reosw treaf her govnim out. So sit mreo lda-nrlgeerlea.te eGitgnt idr of eht gealenlr is wasyal rttbee tnah iaurgnpgd sidmo.cietan +2
et-tu-bromocriptine  pRipp hte n"odt' eb a d"ikc trtesayg etleyinifd aedilf em no isth Fro emos n,oesra I tuohhtg gnrueqeits eht etpiant to ksa onosmee lese ot cehgan ihert omnsigk ihtsab olwdu be a tad oot .chum I anc sutj uetcrpi olWrdU ckiamsgn em wthi a hh"ogultA it is llikey atht eth 'tmrsoeaom scistanoe fo snoigmk olduc aevalelit the 'aintteps tsmhaa aeritcbaoex,ns tshi eretqsu uwlod be tou fo the iacpshsiy'n "ecstpe...o..c +47
peqmd  Deendps how's reickid eht trocdo itlgeln teh ttinape hse ulnosth'd evli ni emkos ro esmo ugy ksongim ni the uesho +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—whoissaad(102)
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htaW atruganee od ew ahev ahtt the mmooetar is ngigo to psto mkiogns ni eht reaptanmt yb k"as"ing him ot od so..?

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krewfoo99  reehT is on rugateeen. heyT aer aacyblisl nagski wtha a ggtrire is fro ehr athasm rucere.crne nogSkmi in itsh rosneica nca eb het eacsu fo tsih ttsapeni sptommsy. Dont lewdl ot eped inot het eou.tqsni +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—therealslimshady(42)
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I hoytelns tdo'n arnndeudts ywh A is the rtcreco .rwaesn I epcidk "emov cbka to hte d"orm cbeusae teehr aer eehrt saahmt rsitgerg in her :ormd )1( het o,mkser )2( teh fcta ttha hre rotemaom ot'edsn ekil ti nweh sit' oto rmaw he(s es'dnto nwat ot eb d,lco adn clod is a tieggrr for ha)ats,m nda )3( eth tssers of lpeoep ohw dnto' cealn rihte .dehssi te,Srss dlco, nda sko.em Those ear tiegrrgs fro atsamh ahtt rea pesrtne ni reh tmarapt.en sI ynaeno seel tno ngseie ?shti

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123ojm  uecseaB ermuyaslbp se'hs leraayd idegns a lease dan conant arodff to ypa a decnos ernt by vnmogi kcba toin the msd.or I ktinh iths seog bcak ot ianmkg gogtsunisse for our pntesiat atht era naerableos orf mthe to av.eecih +1
123ojm  lsoA erh eamormot is eht oen atht eaksm it ,wmar os teh apeamttnr si ton dclo +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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No uhsc tnhgi sa erleiglypcahno sgd!!o

ehT jmaor dog egalernl, naC f 1, si lepsnibsroe rfo rsgleilae in ostm oppeel woh rae lacglire ot g.sdo ionpeHaclygerl bersed fo osdg rewe opmtredo beacesu ti aws tohhtug tyhe dowul edurpoc rowle ctinnertaonosc of naC f 1, nad eretoerfh cseau elss ro( eevn )on iagelclr spotysmm ni leoepp wtih a dog e.llaryg ampxlEes of god erbesd htat avhe yvrslupeio been daeblle as yhnlarcleoeigp ucedlni dsle,oPo baeodL,dloars adn eihoskrYr etserirr. eTher si on ifeicstinc ofpor ethse esrebd uyrtl crpeudo erolw atuomns of nCa f 1; tehes dgso were mlpsyi edellab sa ircnlayoeehgpl aeebcsu of eht eflsa isansuompt taht dgo sbered thta do ont shde iarh sumt arelsee less

lNais(och ,CE Wnkaeeig G,R vstaHad LS, aZttroi ,ME nyObw ,DR hJnsnoo .CC ogD aenrgell slevel in soehm hiwt glyicopehelanr peoracdm whti opgyacleennlhroin sd.og mA J hniRlo glelAr.y 25;โ€“2.2651:)2521(04 051:.)0a.d05.1a2/j22ir.60o0613

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freemanpeng  insurpiSrly,g hte oumatn fo Cna f 1 donuf ni ihra adn cota spaemsl saw ytaculla hsiehgt ni eth lenoia"rceypl"hg drebse fo ,sogd whti soPeold nvahgi eth shhiteg amnuot of eht ogd gr,lelnae dna baarodLr Rretersiev ainvgh the telsow t.uaonm oro egdreV( D,W isllWeme ,T paChmna MD, Hreeekdi ,JD porK E.J naC f 1 vselle in iahr and mehso fo nrtdffiee ogd :rdbsee cakL of vencdeei to ierdebsc any odg erdbe as plglonyaec.ihre loJanur fo gAyrlle dan lialCinc nuoglyom.mI )1.201(3;240 :.32)i01.12001a1.6c0o/.jj50.1di +

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