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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-month-old male newborn is brought to the ...
Tyrosine 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem repeat

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submitted by zelderonmorningstar(96)
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nCa onseemo iepnalx hyw eht wsrane utnod’lc be eynnalhpia?len

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donutsnduodenums  heT ikd ash bansiil,m hchwi is deu ot cerdedesa saeitnysor acvi.tiyt fI eh sah a merolbp nzeiobtaglim ,hnaalleyeninP eh odulw eb nniprgsete thwi eht PKU xs ikle lleceitunlta sil,dytbiia ystmu dyob oodr, ct.e, in iainodtd ot hsi riaf lo.xonceipm +22
zelderonmorningstar  I ,ees os fi it wsa PUK eh t’lnduwo tsuj be pirtesngne orf a nuretio omatnxn.iaie tI owuld be neo fo hsoet “ho capr taw’sh ngrow whti ym baby” n.oes +16
wowo  90F1A2 3p8 +
nbme4unme  sJtu a toen hatt WrldoU ssay kartienynpeohul tnpeisat LAOS hvae aii,lsbmn s'ti sjut atht eth onuer xs adn yutsm edorr ear gye.iwvsaa +4
pathogen7  ,Tycielachln liaibnsm si a obmrple sringceosp P,ADO dan ton eoysnirt, o?n I lsaway asdetsoaci "teionrsy cnsoseiprg dtec"ef ithw oonsco,rhsi chhiw is yhw I 'ntddi cosohe yroe.itsn uesGs 'mI o.wgnr +5
cmun777  gtpo7hen@a 'uryeo nto rwngo it si ecliclsiyapf APDO but odulw nay of the oehrt sewran coicshe meak any eenss vero oyi?tsner +5
qiss  @aoegp7tnh aols es-y you a'ctn eamk PAOD uceeasb fo a edtficeve rioysatens nezy.em ishT enyzme alos azeistmelob tseniroy onti DPAO reobfe it atmsobezeil APDO qopagprei/MramsieXl&v.hps7aE=V5Apew;-xEolwibRAUoshUsn-j7ptam=2a/2sr;ZK1VooWamymQmp;5Rh8hmCy18hAkiqds=.1t32QgCm=pXgxzaY1aiKwb18&s?s=HA=H&se&caqbt9cnF;rL;uc/2iwK:Bowi&xQh0AGtt9agfTai&U02zDupKBwrGmswm7LN2wVrV8a=g0eB:mp;meV6#o00ccj&jz==1g3Mto;_M +

  • PKU commonly results from deficiencies in the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine.
  • Tyrosine, in turn, is required for synthesis of the catecholamines dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
  • Supplementation with tyrosine effectively bypasses the defective enzyme and allows for the normal synthesis of catecholamines

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