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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 64-year-old woman is found dead at the foot ...
Metastatic breast cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—sajaqua1(607)
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heT lnegis sotm tmiranpto itghn uatob hsit rogss oyaohlpgt is taht eht ieassde si .ntrumdlulioa hTis naitcsdei aamseestst ofrm isanttd t.iess

eirvL sacssebes rae sauluy rln,agisu lfdile hiwt eyracm ewoyll u,ps nda yma owsh a irbfsou u.cpeals riisoChrs eftno shows a ylwole coorl eud ot ytaft cehagn as wlel sa riveanreetge ldn,euos hwhic are not tsreenp A cofla naolrdu rpphayleais is a agirlnsu tuomr of hte vil,re and hsti is ui.atldnumorl iHitapste B is a iltelt adhrre to nigsdiisuht esaebcu mfor tahw I nca lelt ti anc eb tidornulmaul ni soem es,cas utb isht reilv olsa hsosw enno fo teh slseocrsi mofr ccrhino ninatfaimmlo hatt dwuol eillyk aomapnycc Hep .B ,lniyalF ew ees no krda ioilotsnadorc ot aicitedn o.anrticfin

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monkd  tI toesdn' lxainpe het dsneud ,etdah tub I ppsosue thye en'rat siagkn rof tt!ha +5
charcot_bouchard  I etha htsi pyet fo sqeu. rHee it is. eTll me ahtw ti ?si +2
divya  sl,oa a vrlie icftanr is inelulyk edu ot rchi ladu obold lusp.yp +1
drzed  diayv@ r,eatRh fi eehrt was an an,crfti it will be oahrcmge,ihr otn epl.a +1
llamastep1  uMipltle sliod oslsine no a hytelah eirvl = tme.a I dumessa atesrb 'lwtodun mate to vlrie it'(s slaluyu IG sec)nacr btu it mskae esnse iecns all hte oblod esgt ldreeitf yb teh ivrel ta meos pnio.t !ITL +
sophia  UW IQ:d 59 +1

UW on FNH -pop: young women -mx: hepatic vascular deformity->localized hyperperfusion w/ secondary hyperplastic response -dx: small, solitary, pale nodule. central stellate scar w/ fibrous septae -sx: asymptomatic; discovered incidentally

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submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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at teh yvre t,asle etehr rae iplelutm earsa fo anrcec gignvi emos iiadconnit htat ti embya m.aiesttcat

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submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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submitted by cuteaf(11)
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heT seitus hatt asenvid het evlir solko ielrytne fnfdrteei tahn teh leriv telfis. sihT is waht amed em ihktn thta sit girnoi si fer.goni tI stone'd kloo ielk biisosfr ,hirete chhiw uoldw aulsylu dela to semo geeerd of otnritisnco.c

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