zuiq roefylsu :resnswa
tish is a csilsac irincepsdto fo tirsstepen linrelauM dtuc nedmsoyr
due to lkac fo MIF utoant(mi ni the eeng htta kmsae )FMI โ isreepnects fo eth Meinlarul tudc โ utuesr and liaoanpfl uteb eetnrsp ni a YX lmea w/ tstese cyytl(pial pic)ho.ytdrrc
acBsuee ish cisetstel era dnnsce,uedde shi oltsier lclse ear bbplyora otn nkrogwi rryeplpo, dna efhreotre ont nhetnzsgsiyi MIF lorerc.yct hiWch si yhw sih ianerltn eafmle iaagtenli is olalewd ot deloveep in a ltuafed neit.stg
I'm ntihngik sthi si aedrcesed veslle fo naieuar-lMlitn nooh?mre sThi si twah slluuya bihitisn eht enesmoarprpciha tucd iel(mutyalt vespodel itno itnnrlae famlee ag)inaleti ni sme.la A eantpti acn be XY adn litsl eahv rcseedade el.levs
idtdiAon to obns'xugyrH naiotpalx:ne
Wyh i'st ton 4Y7X,X:
iThs duowl eb rgnrefrie to e,lfnre'sKlite chhwi si ihedacczeatrr by amlsl, rolopy nfntuigonci ttl.eeciss
Howvere, istounqe ssteat ocglipoohrm" eusdits of a yiobsp ncspemei fo hte tssete hwos on mnbisltarai"oe
submitted by โhungrybox(1277)
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This ovedi sipaexnl ngaelti oyloyrgbem lereeyxmt lw.el
fI uyo ftel oltalyt slto leki ,me athcw het veiod rtsfi at x,2 hetn chkce uot het tomtob firegu on gp. 860 in FA 2910.
venaRtle ot iths en:isutqo
iQzu luoyfres rnessw(a ni a terpseaa :op)ts