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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 24-year-old man with a history of drug ...
Heroin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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tGaer oidve I edsu ot ralne sith tr.aamile

  1. hTeer era 3 jomra setpy of r:gsdu pespru sumnt)as,il(t ronsdew ssd(,tesrpna)e dan lsul.gehoaincn
  2. Hneior is an ipodo.i opisOid era ndr*w.ose
  3. swernDo od tahw ti osnsdu .ikle Tehy eusac wdon"" mysoms:pt cdsiaete/ndasrodee xteniya dna( tshu hvaabrleio i,iihbnnd)oiits rtorireyspa
  4. ushT irwtalwhda lwil cuaes the petiop:so srneaitcporhity,chdeany/a y.eanitx
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hungrybox  *throe or:dwnse ll,ochao bnepszo,ieedzani reasuttraibb +2
nwinkelmann  HKANT U!YO orf eht ilnk ot teh .oevid htis si eno gniht veI' SYLWAA lgretdgsu tiwh. +
qball  I teg hatt htsi si a good rlue fo mthub to lpeh arnrwo onwd ewneetb lhoacol dna ,rihone TUB is siltl otn ueoghn ot rewnsa ihts ieotqun.s moeS yek seterauf ofr drsatpeessn we)d(orn si oocllha (if ew era glkntai dmli )itdrawhw - reotmsr , sreiodpihas adn uridieml hva(ey wia)rtdwh . Fro Hiroen - eiDadtl upsi,lp gwyinna and cmiaonltiar rea eyk aexm gni.idsnf +5
l0ud_minority  lAso eorhahnRir nad ulf-ikel mmtsyosp ear ibg sfgla ofr rneioH wiadatwr.lh +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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naC esmoeon sepale iapxlen wyh na'ct hcaollo be rrcotce ni shti nstetig?

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niboonsh  roerhhianr is ficecspi to hawwrdtail fmro pdsoioi aka( one)ihr. Loko at pgae 545 in 802AF1 +12
dr_jan_itor  athw fi eht ahiolcolc sujt sah a tneccrnuro ihurnovisr ntnofecii ); +6
lovebug  adn A1902F epag 58.3 +1

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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hWy is erhte aehhrinrro ni opoidi hwat?drawli Adn ,olas if samnutilst liek acinoec sueca lanas csoiatrtcniv,nsoo dtuo'lsnh oopiid dhitwlaawr do the ?esma

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the_enigma28  Mhsicmena fo ieo-udondpidic ,ehrrhooiran nclaaiimt,or hcmosta smacpr adn ohediarar si aacyultl uncracisim repcoetr fe,stcef taerhr ahnt apalh crgendreai abkdoelc aedscu by c,ncaeoi cnugisa laans critnoicosostn.av +1
baja_blast  mStypmso fo iipOod awiarWdthl nac be dmeeemrbre wiht teh asphre n,"aoxisu oh,t dna oti"ms pre hPyrhcketSam spOdio. aeihrrohRn is eon awy ppeleo nca eb iso"mt" dnuigr opoiid wrahd,twlia tbu yhte acn lsao seatw sceexilysve adn etlmaicra oot. +1

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