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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 74-year-old woman with mild dementia is ...
Inability to understand the severity and prognosis of her medical condition 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +11  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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mtSe latuyalc etsats, “On onis,eqtunig eth itatenp sode nto nokw teh taed it[]em, eth eamn of hte tlpoihas c[laep], or eth aenm of reh renus owh dha sutj onduitcred fmleihs [re]onps.” ,So tp si sieedritndo ot teim and epalc coih(Ce )A; that is lfyntdeiie ccnroginen -- sa uowld eb sprededes mdoo i(oecCh E) nda het hoter hioscec -- utb iailtiybn“ to desnutdrna rysiteev dan sgoo”nrpsi si eht tsom enrncoigcn snice taht is eht yrev eiinfntodi of actai.cpy ilIanbtiy ot edantnsrud = klca fo

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lovebug  ouy eilnxpa ryve alyelr.c T!X!!H +
drdoom  snatkh lob!gveu +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by fatboyslim(118)
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4 iteacirr sumt be tme ot onkw if a tntapie ash cayipact k(eant fomr tDryi uMeTcs'Yuoebndiie ca:lh)nen "CIAL"

I: tpneait si lfyul INDORMEF abuot het iineoscd at hnad g(..e trdooc llset ntpiate ouy dha a ugln oitfnneci wchhi nosdwree and srepda to uyor doobl dna uoy cmeobe tisecp htne uoy odvedeple airdcac esatrr nda ew adh ot mrfepor CRP on you nda veig uoy peennirehip to igrbn yo ass bakc)

:C tiptena CENISMMTUCAO riteh iscednoi (.ge. ityliecxpl sasy "I atwn to be a)r"eidghscd

:A eptaitn APERTEASIPC eth anetru nad tvresyie of hte lnelssi g..(e codrot sllet enatpit you tgimh edi if uyo elave igatasn uor mleacdi vicdea and thne eht otcrod kass eht itaentp ot rtpeea it ckab to emka resu he ronmedeedcph ttah ftac)

:L ttnepai nac laniepx iterh deicnois in a IGLCOAL dan lernia oihfnsa e(..g ptnitae asys ish add asw ni na ICU breofe ithw mnay subet nda bodol slepmas ebgin drwna and aws on a tnvotairle nad eht npteati o'dsnte twan to edn up klie shi d)ad

OE:TN the i'ettpnsa l"l"cgoia nxloataenpi fo hrite oincides osde NTO veah to uyctalla eb a odog amcdlei ocii.sned As a odr,tco yuo nca diegresa iwht eithr orpo aldceim occhie, but sa olgn as eht neiaptt amce to atth iiodncse thiw aytciacp ,tctain enht oyu hdlsuo secterp htrei isoedcin oa).tonmy(u

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by vlodkadrinker(7)
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I oyoiuslbv ttuhgoh hatt the nmia hitng orf ctacyipa is ot rdensdutan the syvreite and ssgiprnoo fo ehr ilcmaed ooindncti TBU I oghtuht htsi was a cirkt eqountsi secaube hyet sadke if" eth anemlt namxieotian diginnf ."hd.s.woe nad teh tsem ldefia ot ietonnm higynatn oabut her iationrtneo ot calpe ro .emti bmdu

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drdoom  teSm tlyaaucl atets,s nO“ iesntnoqugi, het epittna eosd nto wkon hte eadt m[iet,] het amne of hte iashpotl cep,[la] or het enma fo hre enrus woh dha sutj coduteridn eihflms s]o”[ o,S tp *i*s cayaultl iotseirdend ot mtei nad eplac heoC(ic )A. Tath is infyiedtel ncgenrnoci -- sa wludo eb dderseesp doom heoCci( E) nda the hreto iechsco -- tbu ailbin“tyi to uarntsndde evyestir adn ”snogpsoir si e*h*t stom ni*crc*noeng insce htta si eht yerv nodniiitfe of c.tyipaac Iianbylit to dasdtenrnu = alkc fo +1
sahusema  oS by hte clgoi fo het iq,osentu if oensmeo utnadnssedr hte tiserevy fo rheti aelcdim todconini DNA shepapn ot lsoa eb onsiediteardt ot cpael adn im.te oG hdaea nad od sx on ,htme tis' fn.ei +4

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by step1soon(51)
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Tm,ie cepla, mena → sssaeses niieotonrta → to ees fi tp si ofr eaemxpl ixcedoatint or ton

ionsiDce ikmnag ytcaciap si sebad fof fo tehwher hte eitpatn uneartsdnd erh sdnaisgio and si akming an nrimfdeo etncosn → hes woskn adn sdeannsrtud

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