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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
A 41-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Abduction of the upper extremity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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oeDtidl is idrtvenane yb lxarylai r,even wcihh escmo rofm stoor C.6/5C iotAcsn fo teh deotldi eluncid udnobcait of the urppe ertxmiet.y

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seagull  I phoe voerneye mormeidez ryeve lsnige tpra fo the laahcrib seuplx nda lla eht otros fo hace, oN dileat elt henduuc!t!o! +31
mcl  In aecs nnyeoa else sah deupgr hte elwoh chbiarla esxlup mfor ouyr eymmro (eikl m,)e shit is a eragt oseerruc neldki by hrnoaet -psulrimet-ehteivpuyk-lpob.yp:e/ ogst/th es-/mscprnc eu/ d +12
zevvyt  I htgtuho ti was ardali since eh olst stisanone in his mhtbu. If aRadil is ,T-5C1 tuolwn'd ttha eb ldincued in -65C?C +3
alimd  ethy orecf su to know iarablhc uselpx lkei the lhyo bileb +2
skonys  eth railcabh esulpx esigv em the mseiurta +1

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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uqsntieo 35551# in UW xnalipes hits neo .ellw saBic,llya C5 ncearbsh etnneirav dileoDt ubt()aiodnc dna fuearna(atsltinnsrxIep o)toaintr dna C6 eiBpcs rorm(eaf nloef)xi, so hte hitgr toonip lohsdu be uiodnbtac of eth ruppe mx.tieryet

I tgo ti ngrwo ohguht lol

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—misrao(5)
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xriyllAa = CA+ DB A = llraixAy evne+r B = diuaBonct lsso + C = -65C + D = tilodDe

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misrao  ysorr obatu ,ofaintgrmt 'lndtcuo tge ti ighrt +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by quarantined(4)
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reascdeeD niaseostsn oevr het utmbh and nitraero aomferr asdinetci a ienols fo hte c6 d,rmmatoee chhwi is crnodmfie by hte incp'sasyih spniuociss fo /65c rveen da.meag hTe OSTM IIEFSPCC way fo iingcormnf hsti dluow be to estt rfo diltdoe umselc atonic (uaionbcdt of hldeurs)o csnie s'ti neidatrenv yb nsauuuluoscmtoec nevre c/.(65c) vnEe hthoug horte envesr ekli( r)lidaa oals rhases otors twih c,5/c6 isgntet shoet venre cousfntin wlli ton be as sii.cfecp

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kevin  aliAxyrl norcltos doeltid tno smuacenluouutocs tub weireohts sye +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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'Ist ekli brE sa.ylP xar,liylA lspucrsrspiaaau dna usuluaoectusoncm vrene dg.smaae

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burak  aspyl* +
nifty95  Thsi is a oodg yaw ot rreeemmb hte peupr tk!unr +

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submitted by magneto(4)
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nssomroipCe fo the 6/C5C aplsni nrvsee ludwo anme eht yxlalria nvree si .reedsposcm

U(es het n:mincome 5 eesarukstM tsaanAsisdes 5 Rsta 5 ci,eM nda 2 ninUrc;so tasasadienss dulow eb C5/C6 nda ayxiallr sdnuos ekil s)snasdsiaeat

heT rlaxlyia venre invntesrea eth leitddo lmuecs hihwc dsuabtc hte prepu ertx.tmiey

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