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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
Diastolic blood pressures are obtained in two ...
Median of group Y: higher; Mode of group Y: higher ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—amarousis(27)
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os rfo isth eno yuo evha to olko at hte iidalostc bolod purserse and htsat' eht seuvla oruey' dsuoepps ot .rdea otn teh esnbmru ni het .lcsonum iekL ugpor Xs' meod is 70 ucaesbe it hsa atth aelvu 32 gopur 'sy omde is 80 seuabec ti pprasae 02 ofr di,eamn ouy owudl heav to eirtw eht odailcits ebnmru 0125-0 hwo eevr aynm itsem ti prapaes dna tnhe nfdi het emdl.di kcrity sqeuonit.

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sahusema  owW. I ahet this. I only kooedl ta teh emrnub fo acitsraptnip dan yetelpmloc inrdoeg the oticiDals PB sgiaednr +5
ma_rad  nvyeerEo cmnoetdem hwo ot tge eth odme trhgi. utB etrhe si an iesare ayw ot lreeiza atth het emidan in Y si hhrgie wtituoh lal eht s.anctoilalcu If yuo ees, het lsat Dtilsaioc BP ni ougpr X si 110 as( rhete era EOZR elpoep hiwt 210.) lWeih ourpg Y sha 8 plopee wthi 102 PB.D ishT mtaitlluoyaca ftshsi teh iemadn to teh eihrhg d.Isei tgo ihts wnorg hotuhg at stfir I d'nidt ayp ettniaont to het ""0 bmneru ta ourgp X rfo 120 PDB +11
brasel  I ntihk estreh' oranhte ysea awy ot ifnd teh edimna utwihot rwtgini out reevy leavu. eehrT ear 010 atolt lpoepe in chae go,rpu os atht mnaes teh mdeian fi( the sPDB rea iwttenr ni acdnenigs odrre, hcihw hyte rae) is eht 50th onrpes. urGo p X: 8 + 12 + 30 = 05, os nemdia si ru7pG0o :Y 2 + 8 + 01 + 20 01+ = ,05 os madnie is 09 +12
mangotango  I ddi ti hte way slbe@ar ldip.anxee hTe ywa _da@mra did it ulodc gevi the ecrrocnti ewsnar ni mose asesc .e.(g opGru X dha 0 plp wiht 102 PB btu a nto of lpp orf 011 BP .cet + oprGu Y had 01 lpp wiht 021 BP tbu lsbaylaic onen thwi 101 BP .)ce.t nI itsh tisueonq taht ayw owkrde tub si't tno aayslw etnauegadr ecsin endiam tod'esn yaws iwht ir,setuol but nmae eos.d // AF 1029 g.p 216 +2
unknown001  rof midean terwi onwd veyer uveal ? i lereelay hpoe uoy erew kojin,g eth aatd si edayrla danrrgae from tlase ot satgert,e ichwh is a iecrtair fro gdrneeniitm won add pu ltil you rhcea 50, dna oclrtreae it hwit avuel of ldcostiai odolb srruesep dna BOMO, tis ttha saye +

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submitted by โˆ—yb_26(316)
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orrys rfo hte ian,nkp ohpe thta llwi lpeh enmooes

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fadila  einmda oshdlu be: 07 rof pguro X ; 58 rof uprog imYda en hree is the rvegaaa fo coiitalsD PB emaserud eeebwnet het 05 apm&; 51 spttniae e(scni eht bnruem of eiaptnst ni chea uprog in ;even nad=eiM )/1n+(2 t&;g- )0(12+1/0= G 5ru.o5p0) X = (02/0)+77 = 0orG p7u Y = 8(09/+)20 = 58 +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by ma_rad(13)
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eyrEevno edmtoenmc who to gte teh odem g.tihr tuB rteeh si na iaeser awy ot azierle thta het dienam ni Y is rhhegi utthiow lla het uolcnstlciaa. If uoy es,e the last sioitDacl BP in ourgp X is 101 a(s treeh rea ROEZ oepple with .102) ehWil rpoug Y ahs 8 eplpoe wtih 210 D.BP Tshi ayaluttlmcaio ftishs eht deianm ot eht riehhg

I ogt itsh gronw ougthh at strif I d'nidt pay ttoitanen to eht 0"" ubrmne ta gupor X for 012 DPB

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submitted by โˆ—yb_26(316)
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yrrso ofr het n,ipank hope htat lilw ephl msenoeo

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yb_26  itedr ot ctahat oopht, rorsy rfo tat(h +

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submitted by hajj(0)
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nac yaneno iapxlen sh?it i owkn edimna orf y is hrhige by lcinuoaatlc tbu x has owt deosm so how emoc y sha iheghr eod?m

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lispectedwumbologist  heT omed in X si 32 nda the mode ni Y is 08 +
lispectedwumbologist  The deom in X is 70 dan eht demo ni Y si 8*0 +1
hajj  Thnak !yuo +
hungrybox  stuJ ekgcihnc ni os I cdlou feel asrmt otuba nigetgt siht htigr iptdees gbbonim eht estr fo het stet mlao +5
usmleuser007  acn omsoene lapsee nixelpa het eiadmn ni ihst +
nala_ula  hTe amiden acn be knonw by trsif sslbngiema the senbrum in erdro rfmo atles to tregear. If 'sit an nvneue uenrbm tse, eth nbumre ni the mideld si eht nimaed for( elmaexp: 4, 01, 1,2 2,0 27 = iamend si 12 icnse stih is hte rbeumn in hte )m;ledid if het nrmebus aer vene nhet uoy aehv to etak hte wot lvsaeu in het md,eldi dad etmh up nda deivdi tehm by 2 ofr[ almxe:ep ,4 1,0 12, 1,2 20, 27 = (+/221)12 = 1.2] ag eP 126 on AF 1920 lipexnsa it sa .wlel toN esur fi I dlxaeiepn ti ..lw.el odog uclk on teh t,set !lpepeo +
dubin johnson  aCn senmooe lsaeep eiaplnx woh teh omde fro Y than X. Not urse who ew gto the ausvle asT!nkh +
dubin johnson  I nema hwo is hte edmo ofr Y eeragtr nhta dmoe rfo x? +1
sgarzon15  odMe si eht noe hatt seetpra het toms cone ouy sitl tmeh in rerdo +
usmile1  neMdai ouwld be the PB ulave taht teh rnpsoe in eht 0h5t ierelecntp of cahe rgpuo ouwdl aeh.v oS for rogpu X, to dfin eth 50ht certnep ule,va I aeddd 8 + 21 + 32 = ,25 hcihw is tigrh eabvo 50, so het eidanm wuold eb 07 Hmgm ofr rgpuo .X g nDio eht saem thgni rfo gprou ,Y ++218+02+0 81 = 8;5 het 05ht neerlepcit dwlou lfal in puorg tath ahd a PB fo 09 gHm.m cwhih smkae het amenid hhergi rfo ogrup oe.pYh atth t'sni nwr,go dan sephl neoesm!o +4
poisonivy  I did ti hte esam wy!a nto tpryet suer fi ti is hte gihtr awy to od ,ti tub it evga em hte rgthi rea!nsw +

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