orrys rfo hte ian,nkp ohpe thta llwi lpeh enmooes
eyrEevno edmtoenmc who to gte teh odem g.tihr tuB rteeh si na iaeser awy ot azierle thta het dienam ni Y is rhhegi utthiow lla het uolcnstlciaa. If uoy es,e the last sioitDacl BP in ourgp X is 101 a(s treeh rea ROEZ oepple with .102) ehWil rpoug Y ahs 8 eplpoe wtih 210 D.BP Tshi ayaluttlmcaio ftishs eht deianm ot eht riehhg si.de
I ogt itsh gronw ougthh at strif I d'nidt pay ttoitanen to eht 0"" ubrmne ta gupor X for 012 DPB
yrrso ofr het n,ipank hope htat lilw ephl msenoeo
nac yaneno iapxlen sh?it i owkn edimna orf y is hrhige by lcinuoaatlc tbu x has owt deosm so how emoc y sha iheghr eod?m
submitted by โamarousis(27)
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os rfo isth eno yuo evha to olko at hte iidalostc bolod purserse and htsat' eht seuvla oruey' dsuoepps ot .rdea otn teh esnbmru ni het .lcsonum iekL ugpor Xs' meod is 70 ucaesbe it hsa atth aelvu 32 esi.mt gopur 'sy omde is 80 seuabec ti pprasae 02 imt.se ofr di,eamn ouy owudl heav to eirtw eht odailcits ebnmru 0125-0 hwo eevr aynm itsem ti prapaes dna tnhe nfdi het emdl.di kcrity sqeuonit.