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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman develops increasing ...
Four-chamber dilation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—poisonivy(39)
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ihst si acyllaut a UW eutnosqi 41)992( umtrPriepa hyyadmaortoicp seafmsnti as a eaitddl ahpdia,cyyormto nac uorcc ndrgiu atls otmhn fo prcynegna or ihwnti 5 tshmno rfeat yel,eivrd tseopsenagih ylproo eduo,onstrd tub yam be dlrtaee ot dpriaime ntncufoi of oiangicgne rtwhgo fcotsra e(.g VGF)E or psddeiseorp yb iutnatoms in ardicca rurttasluc n.esiprot

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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jugaulr ensvou osieitdnnt = lfet trhea fualrei

oynlaprmu ademe = igtrh erhta elaurfi

rmoaFub-echr atnidiol is the most yiklel

hterO ssn:arwe

  • siyAecmrts esptal eorytphy,phr omayicdral irdryaa:s ehset ear othb acilssc singfidn ni hceptyrophir ytoydipohracam M)CH(
  • lidanrcdeao soeb:taisoiflrs a aerr tiesetrvcir phmtaayirdooyc ense ni hrenndc/intaflsi
  • yylhcmpoict iintlfrnaoti of eth rodim:auycm nees in lairv uema)in(tuom tyrsm.dicaio A ceuas of ldaiedt ,tahocdpymyaior btu erhte was no nmitnoe of a eicdprgne irvla sllsein.
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meningitis  I htink yuo an:mte uJugrla eonvus nsetdiinot = LT umyFP nalr Ho eaedm = RT HF +4
hungrybox  pwsoo eay I tmane aJlgruu sonuve isnonitdte = HTGIR F,H rlyumPano edeam = LEFT HF +12
jackie_chan  Waht werth em off hte ikincpg em-bchra4 inidatatlo was it deeesm ikle htat uwdol be a arjom laeitvcrc/ardaircun lgioremden and eth enetvitg aevg a mshetwoa cteau 2 ekwe tosne +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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ei-Pr ro osrmpptuat corymoapiydath )C(PPM is a rera, linaifnerhe-tegt trahe seeaids of uaclrne ironig nad is dhzieccterraa yb ahtre iarfuel fo nesddu nstoe wtbeene the lainf eekws of canenrpyg nda 6 mhostn tfear eriyed.vl klni to pmdbue ehT aincicll preutci of PMCP cdrsposrone ot a dledait taamycpodrhoyi )CM(D htiw sgnsi of seveer raeth i.fuarle

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maxillarythirdmolar  roF ayonne ntgaiwn ot deunrstand y^wh the rtl;d is htta lrnpoatci sget claeedv tion owt ixcto ieet.mtobals nramTttee is ihgntomes lkei pobrinmoeticr n(ad retfheroe on mreo traseb fgidne)e to sopt natlrpico .ealerse ,tyaLls ouy acn terta itwh ealgurr HF mde.s +1

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