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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 30-year-old woman develops dimness of vision
Ethambutol ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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hltameuotb = tatEolbhEmYu

rGeta mneiocmn ofr mrgbreenime htat omhbltEEtaYu si the ootcenmnp taht uesacs viausl sproemlb ni REIP ypherta ofr .TB

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hungrybox  PRIE = arifipm,n i,dsiianoz imnae,rdpziya amhtubteol +2
l0ud_minority  sAlo stkyche rmeerebm eth shoer htiw rnReeG-de bsinlrde +

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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Paeg 025 AF - oaultmhbtE si sadtciesao thiw ualsiv ubcsritdnaes sn(haegc in oolcr isiov).n

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dashou19  nO FA aepg 2,50 ti si iasd hatt aznoIiids cna soal aesuc iopct ntreuiis nad ooclr vsioni hc.aeng soSemimte it rhust fi uoy nowk oot chmu llo +2

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submitted by โˆ—sd22(2)
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PIRE: ,fRpmiian idzIosnai (HI)N, amdiyaeinrzP, buao.tntlEh

PIRE attser .TB

idSe ffEe:tcs

  • p:imnaRif rengoeaR-d msel.iaettbo kidlsfnuS/i acn emceob rgrae-.odne piinmaR'f' ksmae yuo R'de'
  • HIN: -Digueudrcnd ulpsu DE,L() rnoi conaualicmtu ni aditnmchoiro (anc aeld to licaesbdtsoir ,iamaen) iritseu,n dan ast.tiehpi Gvie B6 for euriitsn dna BS INH ahs 3 etrtesl ekli LDE
  • medizr:Pinaya peirrHciyumea gtou.() dnaeRipIUmiC
  • lottuah:bnE cEsefft eyes. Daeedcesr lvasui ,autciy g-nrredee sll.breoscndoni tEhbYaEltonu
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