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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old man has fever, back pain, and ...
Enterococcus faecalis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by felxordigitorum(12)
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setouQin dkaes for argm viiepost cocic ni NC.SAHI .S uersau fmros sc,slurte inntiealgmi it. hTis eeasvl scEceoucrtno iclafaes and ruGpo A ertsp. .E eailcfsa is teidoassac whti UIs.T

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almondbreeze  get eth lnsicalci btu otg twronh fof by .nc'i'ha 1F02A9 g.17p3 alos sysa occscu = ery,br tptsreo ie=twsdt i),(nhca fndeignfiitaret the :otw( +2

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submitted by โˆ—sinforslide(63)
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tI meses keli atSph srauue T'IsU are aolmts isyellceuxv a,oiolmsonc esp. w/ sepantti thwi urarnyi c:sharttee "eW idinfeited adn eeetdrn iton eth dsyut 021 esvciceotnu tpaisnet ofr mhwo at saetl 1 urnei trcuule asw vpsiieot rfo .S .2e8.%rs.auu dah a iuarrny traeceth of oesm ptey ni lc"eap

r'eHse teh kinl to the ustyd

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submitted by aishu007(4)
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cna neaony xeinapl hwy uicfsateoonacecescrl is het wserna ?ereh

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priapism  tBes I acn uegss si tath tohb S. suraeu dan .E ilaafcse cna saceu ,ITU ubt .S rusaue is bdesrcedi sa higvan ustlrsec ewher as eht ehotr +Gm cicoc rea in nsciha +8
nala_ula  My otdbu ereh in tihs oesitunq is het cfta thta ucosoctecEnr celsiafa si a rmalon gut misamicongrro thta aussec eseth teffenrdi tpsmyoms fo csiknsse etraf iuerrtiyagonn ro tirgaisotsantenl de..rseo.cupr but in tish oqnsuite ehetr is on toinenm of any podcerr.use +
fez_karim  its says ncih,sa os otn .stpha nloy eroht is reetno +
temmy  ncrgdoica ot srtif a,id hsapt auresu is nto oen fo teh ihhg eylid gsbu orf sITU +1
temmy  tiu bgsu rae tC.a EopSli h uKasltobiaiclhpy lrespes pSaouanieieamt rnr tcecsacMno eunosccr Eesr Prouste iemmasrsbPi ddoilouna roasuneiag +
privatejoker  rhWee ni FA 9120 esod it ilst tath cc.suCco is cieacifylpsl in nich?sa +
privatejoker  *Eo.ccsuC i eman +
divya  karireo@epvtj AF 0182 Pg 431 lbtae +
jennybones  krteai@pjreov cuocEneorsct is pDuroG- PTES.R rseStp aer ernagrda ni isacn.h +2
santal  AF 9012 aegP 36,9 o.ot +
backwardsprogress  conrueoscEtc si olsa a typert momnoc eascu fo icrnhco tsot,arpisit hhwic wsa hte igve aawy in the otpprm fi yuo tdind onkw eht atrrsecaccsithi fo rto:een msMrC3tnc.3hnpg/.i/scevoll1.tpaww/75w7nchb/1/ +

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submitted by โˆ—mangotango(27)
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Seems ilke eh hsa lyrseohpitenpi ecuseab of teh stycmies spsmmoty (.g.e er)v.ef Teh omts omcnom csseau fo ttah are .E lcio (%09) foodwlle yb oocsrnccuteE lscaifae dan illlb.aeseK The olyn one that sfit ndeur a"rmg ieitospv nic"sah si uococnertEcs ai.feaslc // aamohtP p.g 213

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