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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 64-year-old man with bronchospastic ...
Enhanced action of the agonist at β-adrenergic receptors 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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ihsT si wtah I ghtutoh tub otn sreu fi sit’ etc.rorc Trhee is a oUWrdl q erehw it sbeidcser saa-dmrnttoonicii of tcolosir nad riotCols ilfcyinstnaig cheeasnn eht teeffc of eip eubsaec lrtooics has a mreiivspes etefcf on tingnmiaain eht erndgiacer .esceoprrt

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194orbust  erp oWU,dlr "soticolr eretsx a eessipivmr ectffe no nmay eohmsrno ot help eopvmir the ponersse to a eaitrvy fo r.ertsssos For epmaxle, colsorit eesaricsn lsrcuvaa dan onihlabrc smthoo lcesmu teiriycvat to soa.mcl"tceehnai AF sloa sesu eth ffctee fo ooiltrcs no hclatnamcoeei speenesrvnisso sa hte eoln elpaemx ofr a rivepseims drug cnitroitean F2(810A pg )922. hTe eeffiecnrd heer si ahtt eew'r aginktl botau gouxnsoee dculocrioocgit and cderagneir I esgsu ti wsa etxpcdee ofr us ot amssue tath het ecihnmams si lnuaaoosg fro teh oonaugsal rdgsu +16
maxillarythirdmolar  Im' suer tis' trldeea to eth aigtvctina ctffee fo sColotri no spnhle,trhtNloenente-lnsfemhie-maaryaya gnveotnrci NE ot Ep.i Snuods keil a crsetgsiiyn hignt to .me (A38)F. +4
feeeeeever  yM locig si olbrypba ldf,aew tub I lsao gouthht thta fi rtcooils ahs teh iatybli bniitih ,OCX XO,L nad NFBK oyu acn edruec ifatmoinlman adn cesnitbcnovorcthior ios.deamtr hrreeef,oT eth B2 ogssaint luwdo have a regrtea tfecef eincs tngsih liek TL4B wlli be ueed.dcr +2
feeeeeever  T4,L*C LTD,4 4ETL orf ,oocrtcnbitnnrosihco my bad +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by 5thgencephalosporin(8)
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hT“e nioiomncbta fo a c-atnglinog btae 2 tiognsa A)(ABL and an hldiean etcorisrtciodo si rome aicoeffiusc in msahat dan ]OPCD[ naht [..]. teehri l.aeno ossoCrticoerdit mya ertgluea beat 2 oprrtece tocnuifn by nicsnregia pxeseinsro of teh erp,crote toenirrsg te-Geonptrbia/ 2 otcrerpe gcn,lupio and tinhngiibi eabt 2 octerpre g”ninruoldo.atew


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sahusema  nI oth,sr ltcrsoio earustglupe rnragieecd orpceerts and keasm mteh emor evsnisite +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by adong(144)
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FA19 .23p3 ctsloior ahs a virmsepeis fetefc no ntihslaeocecma

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sam1(22)
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ihTs smees to eb a ratlvene aer:pp ghe7.:/.wmb1i18b/thn.v7/99pdplcnmi.tuon/wws9

eT"hse tada aeidtinc thta csuicotcgiorodl only aselyinrntt anhncee RaA(2e)bt gnee orcarpntinits nda ialf ot siacenre ttatesae-dsy lesvel of bRea(2)At rntopie in umhna rywaia aitehelpil l.csle nNot,eehlsse cu-tcgduiordeoincdclio tffcsee no eth e2R(-CAAbt)a smyets fo hunam iwraay helieptail clels ntucertboi to eht ecnailifeb effcset of octstrosriciode in hmstaa yb ncehnangi eht lnctufinoa rensepos ot t(os2-.a)tsebn"aig

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by maxillarythirdmolar(45)
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Im' seur ist' reaedlt ot hte vcgtnaatii eftefc fo Costilor on Nleyr,aaesmlena-mtenhhfttne-ysepahliorn oetivrncgn NE to .ipE Snsdou ekli a scrnsiitegy ntgih ot em. 8A(3)F.

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alexv0815  itsh was my htogtuh oot +
kevin  st'I sivseepimr eebucsa uottwih oclositr pEi tlnd'uwo eb abel ot aintat sit lluf fctefe +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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I eelf teh drownig si ugo-df.awl

It asemk it dsnuo like rsiocolt erasecsin eht riteicatnon wteeebn a given tsoanegbia-t dan sti eterocrp. nI tia,rely ti raeneiscs eth emubrn of rrecpes,to hituwot cggihnan hte nnoaicrttie newtbee hemt. roF m,e ihst wsa an tmoenanilii of itnygvereh s,lee nda ionhcsgo the saelt rtbeelri wse.anr

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