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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A healthy 32-year-old woman at 35 weeks' ...
Birth canal reflex ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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crtSthe ro ilniatod fo hte vcxrie dan angiva rae onrtgs uiimslt for iyonotxc eroesicn,t amdditee yb arnlue ypaatshw clldea the gnesuFro e.elxrf

cl:iAetr cmtsd:tene/pc-ecoxrpt/nietfreerowwoicri.o//ucfewis/sncehs.eucnslg

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readit  Tshi is oals hyw gy-o'bns lwil asasegm the rstuue hic(hw is part fo hte btrih anl)ac tearf .rvydeeli ts'I to etg eth dboy to raesele xiocoynt adn ecusa teh ruuest to aonttcrc (to enrpevt outpstprma mghreore)ah +5
jennybones  leseaP hyw si ngotrsee ton eht asrnw,e I thhtoug gstoeren ouldw aupuglrtee yocixtno tsorecper nad seeicran tyoocxni ?terieocns +3
drzed  iugrDn gn,nraecyp ixonocty ECSTERPOR aer tpaegleduur (yb )tgsenoer as tpationriru c,oshpareap utb hte fnerogus xreefl cetares a siiveopt feekabcd opol reewh eth todiianl fo the crievx tfrurhe easseelr orme ynctoi.xo ehT initgcin tveen ttah sratst iths bedkcaef lpoo si hte ltaindoi fo eht rixvec idlaeng ot a ciedtr seerael of x,nooycti not the recsneep of meor ocixnoty rrp.stoeec +4
bbr  oT dad, het eopitvsi bcdkfeea loop hree is terytp .aegtnel alyBalic,s it eesms like teh cverix dotsen nwta tynhniga in t.i hWne its hectrsedt ;-t-&g yxociont -g-;t& accrntto eutusr -tg-;& suph byab g;-&-t roem hesttcr at -re;tgxi-c&v- moer yxoontic ad(n .owfradr) hTe oteivpis aefbekdc oplo saptec si thta y-nsdbeaoxotic tnicootcsran uceas moer nadtioli of eht cverix as( the bayb mseov otni i!).t +3

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submitted by medschoollovin(14)
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"npoU lntaioappic of erreupss to hte nlertani end of eth ivx,cer icytonox is sledaree efohetr(er asiecern ni econirtlcat t)psrn,eio hwihc saestmltui uetrien naonciroc,stt hcwhi in urtn nraescies rurpesse no het evixrc thr(ebey ingraenisc tnoyixoc les,aeer )tec,. nulti eht ybba is evre.ledid

Srysone mrinfotioan iegdrrnga aemnalicch tserhct fo eht xrceiv is draicre ni a oyrnsse nnoe,ru wihhc ssnpeysa ni eth dlasor honr befoer agcisnden to teh brnia ni het raetanlrolaet lsoumnc aleristpla(i nad alleartntrcoa .tuser)o iaV the aiemdn arbeoirnf bneul,d the efnteefr carseeh teh NPV dan NSO fo eht stypahhu.mlao heT ooiprestr pirttiyau eelesrsa ntoxicyo ued to dsinracee ifgirn in teh lmyeaphophsh-tolyypaaoh .ratct xconiyOt satc on teh rmyuoitmem, no cseeprtor wcihh vhea eebn ruapuetedlg by a fntoucinla ecsareni of eht eotrongeg-eespnreotsr t.airo sihT olfntcanui aoitr naghec si tieamdde by a adrcesee in litmymaeor esnsyvittii to geornsrepeot, ued to na asnceier in setororgenep rcoeretp A, and a tnuorcnecr eneaiscr in rlmoateymi iysstitvien to ngroeest, ude to na irenasec ni rgeoetsn corrpete ฮฑ. isTh seasuc myalmtiroe itoocranctn dan uerhtrf etsivopi eckaefbd no teh rxel["].ef1


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seagull  p/opu smm6.viw:8nn.d/6.bhei6a /7bt5/cn.8 lg htww nturoec tnaruemg rfo PGE fi uyo sheco ahtt .nrewas e,rowveH eth rothua vlesbiee cxotoyin si orieusr.p +
usmleuser007  )1 GPE srsei niliyalti ttah seuasc teh uirenet cirasctt=onon thsi oduwl be etqinlveau ot hwen moeonse yas #fo oaiontccrtns per mtei ir.oepd ) 2 oniOyctx is neeadircs enwh eht cervix is dialtpumaen e.(i eht htbri caanl )e.rfelx +8
jennybones  sealPe hyw si grstneoe not hte ,nrsawe I tghouth otnresge dlwou uultegraep ynxoioct rcoetersp nad senircea xncyooti icernto?es +1

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