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Retired NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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hwen in o,udtb pcki an epno dnede nquo.tsei eyTh giev teh iatptne na uyiotptpnor to sssseve eelrxtehpm wtih ptprnimgo fmor hte cdtoor

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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Adn nerev cikp na npotoi hatt aemsk ouy undos irltaicc

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—anjum(36)
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  1. YWALAS eecagowdlkn het t'sp r,mlpboe s,sisdtre n,tuasiiot ect. hTe rlocloayr ot this leru is to istrf eakm a tmasteten aigcndlkgweon an uessi utiwoht odiugnns hsah,r ehnt sgkani a niesp-oanvs revssaegig lwoflo up nueoqsti to etg to het ather of teh

  2. EENRV kas hte tp to lie

  3. VNEER be a dkic. heT nwrsea yam odnus cbor,iot but lduhso vneer eb .mane

  4. ERVEN ferre het npeiatt to hreotan uecoerrs in( ihst case, teh reu,ns utb duloc oals eb rski nmg,nteaema rtetsai,ph c).te

  5. ICCEU.OMMTNA alkT to teohr ineiiealscpr/,stcnx etc. ot eolsrev ssusie.

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skonys  Yo ma I gogin to eb a bad doc if I ocshe "owH yman btsue ddi oyu seu in teh lsat onm?ht" ti esmse elik eht e,nwasr gtuhho peo,n psneo mteh up to :tP hhhOh I idd lrae wlel +
skonys  I og ot nteadl clhoso nda we n'odt gte nay pveitreap-idotrn siinogenuqt giantnri os thsi seticno iorchatislyl recwks su. rheeT nsewars aer aayswl lantaybtl wrgon utb the aslt wto ihtgm as lelw eb the smae +

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