i did het
c3Ho(-.1x5) +8 -2+
it ludsho O2C htta is awt reghih htan psnimencotoa iictangind ixdem
athenro way si teh โ โ awy
rne-doscsbsenlhaHeaH aqinHoutEp : = 61. + 3(lCOogH / 0(.03 * 2P;O))aC os rhe,e Hp = 6g 2&=t.;9 ucAte duoent(pascm)ne rymairp rsaorpytier th awciioiss,d ceombiatl aiscsdoi
submitted by โmcl(671)
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Wnhe gowknri no sc/dabeia sieods,rdr ti sehlp to olok alyamlstyietsc ta hte lwolio:gfn 1)( Hp i(hhwc yadls swa otn egniv ni tshi rbelop,m) 2)( geurfi uot ihwhc erpmbol si riymrap yb olikong at CPa2O dna rbicba, dna )3( kool for nya soonamteicpn icw(hh eth nuoqiest nedts'o ksa tub lis.t)l
,rHee ew ees thta het 2CO si ihhg on the B.AG Tshi seman htat anietpt si evynpinhilatogt seicn vleles of 2CO aer vnitnlitaeo ,etndeednp dna oasl ahtt tnaetip hsa oeraryprits oiiscdsa. sAl,o ibabcr is ow,l hiwhc isemipl that 'sit bgeni eksdoa" up" yb baoctleim assicido.