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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 55-year-old man is diagnosed with renal ...
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submitted by hayayah(1212)
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nRlea tyaerr tsisosen si oingg ot decersae ldobo lfwo ot hte nd.eyik JG ellsc nesse het esdreace ni fniopesru resesrpu nda steecre e.ninr

inRen si cudperod by het GJ ll,ces JG celsl era ni hte eorcxt thye( ear defimdio omhsto cuselm fo the refantfe irreal.oe)t

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by mambaforstep(42)
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snioQtue si isnagk awht tarp fo teh kedyni tcrdeees r.nnie

rdeor of :nnhgktii

  1. Renni si adme by het JG slelc
  2. JG lcesl rae rjxuae"olmagltr"u ot hte ulesormgl aka irght xetn to het ulogimlre omreh(rrue,tf yeht lactyual ear oddifime msooth sumcel sclel fo eth ENRATFFE rtoleeiar AF gp 5)77
  3. Gmuolruels is ni het arenl ps.uroclec an"erl cuprcesol is the gltiioleforndb- eocptomnn fo teh nnpoerh of het i.eyknd It osnitssc of a segmluuorl - a uftt of pisailracel sdpcooem fo deihntlloae ell,cs dna a grlomalreu apsulce noknw sa Bwsaomn' weik-dappailu"scie
  4. laeRn tcoxre o"iansctn the anlre esuoclpcrs and eht elnar ebtuusl xtceep rfo srpta of teh lpoo of elneH hcwih dceesnd onti hte anelr daml"lue i-awiekdip

LRTD; if nneri si serecedt yb GJ slecl nda GJ sclle era ni eht emrolligu ihwch si in hte lrnea cucrlsoep ihwhc is in eht arlne roxc,et ethn GJ llesc aer ni het anerl oxctre os NIREN WLLI BE HHIETSG IN XCORET

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djeffs1  I hknti I tteogvorhuh htsi .one I taiylnlii oghthtu all of hte bavoe, but htne I t,guhhto blood tath tisn eflrtdie soeg ni ruribplteau pisraeclila wdon tnoi eht melladu w(reeh it obceesm tsom acenodrtenct eneh-c papliyalr inroecss ni skceli ll)ec nda orefteerh nenri lwil be sotm cnocretednat .et..rhe +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by demihesmisome(8)
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So I tmsu haev tsundsodrmoie - hte aauetcr aretiser rae ni het cretxo hhwci si hwy I ikpdec xotrec - utb e'ewr snayig het irnen illw lswyaa eb heithgs in the octrex? - .p 564 AF

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schep  Thsi was my i,itkhnng .too I tdn'id nikth uotba GJ clsle ro hewre lenra usscocrple era. I decpki hwich trpa fo teh diekyn is efruedsp by caeuatr a.rtyI re tge tyjetri nweh I teg seeth itqosuesn rtgih orf eth wngor +1

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by _pusheen_(7)
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I nkith sith oen si aelirytll ustj kiagns athw ptar of the deykin lwil be eth mots orlypo sepefud.r hatT artp oudlw vahe hte tmso enni.r osAl, teh ulemdla ndo’set vhae JG elcsl so I ssgeu sh’tat ntaehor aosenr hwy ti nctluod’ vahe eht tmso nrie.n

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sklawpirt  cax,Eytl ti sah ot do ihwt ehewr ni hte ykdeni erinn is edalsree dna ieqrsreu a itb fo denokglew fo hte arteyr ancbehrs ahtt vige seri ot hte ftafnere eratleiro in eht sftir acpel dna ehwer hist nbrhac ptoin si cot.dlea koo is/toot/iony We /2chl-rotdy5 eopm nnire uopicdtorn rcoucs in JAG ll,esc POE pontduocri ocsrcu ni eth lnrae tluiuaerpbr tsiitmeunrit elelciayp(s eht aiomxplr learn ,lbuteu txorce dan omse fo teh oretu ell)aud.m uhTs whti eht amse qsnistoeu etms it itmhg ask rheew is notainoctrcen fo EOP the te?shhgi [Adn ti lwduo tllis be hte rtoec,x ithw wreol ntticaennrscoo in eht rueot dlulm,ea wetslo oaonnceicttrn ni teh einnr mdeul,al nda neon ounfd ni het laiappl ro nlear ielsp.v +18
hayayah  uyctllA,a eth naelr dlulema evsceire ilinsfaintgyc sesl bdolo wflo ntha anrel xteo.rc So the udleaml si het eno sha'tt revy teviinses to oxayhip adn beevurnall to scichmei m.aaged I odtn' ithkn stih eiqstonu si tdeeral ot wa"ht eara is eht tsmo oproyl u" ' Its sjut nnkgwio thta eanrl areytr tssieson si niggo ot asdeerec oobdl ofwl ot eht edkniy. GJ lslec senes het serdaeec in eipfnsrou pressuer dna eeestrc n.inre nongwKi taht niren si pderduoc yb eth JG csell dna htta GJ eslcl era ni teh xotcre oduhsl eb hugeon to rwneas ihts +8
cry2mucheveryday  I hutothg all eth reinn udlow elctcol ni hte lvseip rwehe eht rsrieaet lwdohu rdain noit a oonmcm ievn nad dcgnahe my wrasen to splevi _.. +3

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