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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#19 (reveal difficulty score)
A 22-year-old man has had frequent episodes ...
C1 esterase inhibitor (binds activated C1r, C1s) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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ttenPia yam heva ytderahire a,admgoneie chwhi si aicsaoetds htiw trenrru"ec sttkcaa fo neesn,it esi,mvas zldiealoc suutusecoban aedem ionglnvvi het iims,eerxtet anilieat,g feac, ro run,kt or muobsulsac edema of purpe iraayw ro wlse".ob eTh crleait geso on ot sya -"Ct1esasere rnihbiito rowks dceltiry no the mmctpeolne dan tonacct maplsa dsccasea ot cduere ininrabdyk slreaee" ihchw si laos ralbybop dogo to ok.wn


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notadoctor  htugTho sith aws a riktc inosetqu as 1C sreatsee edcyncfeii aslo uerlsst in a eceaders in .C4 ,rvHeweo eth econsd anewrs oicche wsa otn ergrnirfe ot C4 but ot 4C biigndn opeir,tn hhiwc I own kown is trefifdn.e I losa ntd'id zileear 1C etearses was tiaeccylhnl a mcloeenmpt ertn.oip +4
youssefa  eBasd no namy osrseuc rheyedarti enigaameod sode TON caues a hsra c(riiuaat)r hcwhi is a amni iifdtginrnfteae point btewene ndgeeaoaim and llrgaey. ishT eliasdm me in hits tnuiseqo. nAy iaicitacn?rofl +27
ergogenic22  1+ on het boaev ucseabe peottadu atsets htat 1c rtsesaee triinohib ,deiifcnyec btoh qerdacui adn oreenadtiryn,h rae bhot oac-rinlunatir, ricoit-r,unpn dna hatt is oefrmincd by teh oebva delink eilcrat +2
sahusema  oeunQtsi etwrir oyalbbrp ndt'di oknw eth eefrnedicf ebtenew otunausce uarcrtiai nad uubscotuanes .eemad +5
almondbreeze  ems.a gto it owngr cb eht pt tind'd aevh xs of idearerthy gieameaodn - lnewsol ilps dan yledesi +2
teepot123  af 19 gp 107 +1
beloved_bet  gncdiArco ot Absosm Mt"sa tilmedae-decl tmi eOoneanaedfg sasdiecoat whit iuaircrta nda urtrutsher Opi oedtssacai with acliicln ingsdnfi of lgrecial eciatrsno es(e tepy 1 yeitynrvhteisspi e nsrP)troeiactsne itwinh 03 tmseuni to 2 rhous rfaet espxuroe adn svlroees rove rosuh to yda"s +2
skonys  Tsih snotieuq si sas +1

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submitted by โˆ—jsmoov(25)
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shTi nateipt sha RQAUCIED AEOAG,IDNME ihwch si efdnrefit fmro etid.raHyre In reedytHari uyo do ONT epntres wthi cruiiaart as nmdeoteni yb moes psuvrieo c.ostemmn


dcuAeqir egdeanmioa A)E(A si rtrazedcaiehc yb qurdciae nieyficdec of C1 obiiihtnr C,-(HN1)I tnievyriotapahc of eht cscsialal tawhypa of amhun olmeetmpnc adn aaoednmgie msmytspo ddtiemea by nikydnirba leresdea by peropirnaiatp anoiicatvt fo teh ckacionnittn- .seytsm

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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emses itsh idytheaerr idmogaeena klcas elwl, hyenertvig atth is hrydtaeier igeaedm.ona tsahT moes dgoo imlfya nfu rtehe he oCntto

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submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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deaeyHirrt odnaemaige )HA(E ecudas by -seeaCs1ter iobnthiri eniyicefdc si an sott-oanalmoinamud seeisad giesnlrtu mfro a omttauni ni eth -thorni1ibiC .gnee AEH si ehztdaicecrra by enerructr catksat of enetins, sseivam, oecizdlla cbtuuuensaso mdeae nlniogviv het ieex,ietrmst aat,iginel faec, ro nk,utr ro bosasumcul amdee of rpeup riyawa ro sewob.l inoteRu rltgm-oen phlorsayixp hitw irheet dtenauttae rnoednasg ro 1-aCteesers borhiinit hsa eenb owsnh ot uredce het fqryeeunc nda eyvetisr fo AHE asttkca.

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submitted by kolivera(4)
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shiT si wtha I cmea sracos ptuitng the otw eamadig(oen + rolnsg)ymapsa oertghet. Tkae iton tnuaocc htat ihst nfoi is rigarendg ICEAs t,bu I sgesu wthi a nciraet v,eesityr gmaeaednio anc eb caoietasds ihtw ethor .xs oe"er,Hwv odmaeeinga ahs drcource ndsledyu aefrt mnsoht to aersy of rtahepy, dan taoub 20% of nwnko essac fo daniegeoma nuiogrrcc ni hist ntexcot aym lvionev esever smypsotm eg.(,. d,spnyae tdor,isr sm.olgaa"syrp)n


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submitted by syloruspincter(1)
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I tndo' eelebiv htis niqetuos si iddnegssra erethydiar eaagmoendi wic(hh si nfdiyeetil a oatftaiminnes of NH-CI1 d,iecinc)efy btu tharre tusj teivvraoec ctmopmelen esn(ci tis hoiibitrn si ctie.n)deif merbeRem taht dbuoscrpyt of the mmelctpeon dcsacea iulcnde a3,C 4,aC adn C5a, wihhc rae lla taixohps.nayaln Eeidsso"p of usoucntea aritricua nad nciooacasl iesopeds of "nymslraapgos drieesscb na cileaglr ciatoren tath can eb daitedem by hte phiatoaslxnyna odprecud in eht .aecsdca hTe hreot seawrn csohice lwdou lead ot rdaedcees eltpmonecm vcyiitat adn feeerthro sreeeal of wrfee ap.onnltaxihsay

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