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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 10-year-old girl develops fever, malaise, ...
Retrograde transport through nerves ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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asibeR catsakt eth cctinioin eelhAyctlonic crtorpee, nad leatvsr rortrdgeea via nyiden omotsr tfera bgnndii hA,RC crnaidgco ot F.A

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submitted by โˆ—est88(19)
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asbRei ruisV e(avbrdioidha)r

,Ferev hinascptlee,i gondorli

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submitted by โˆ—uslme123(86)
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vyer itdpus sqten.uoi heT uvrsi asw ldhneia -- tasb ghan ieusdp henw eyht seelp dna or.dlo oS ti srdpaes ot het inrab yleitcdr orfm eth rlotcayof estyms iva tdegraeorr traspnotr gutorhh .rveens

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niboonsh  ey,a sealore itonranmsssi avi bta oopp ni vsace +
len49  woH do uyo knwo hte viusr swa aldneh?i 'Dentos tnienom i.t or,veroeM boa-rhnc/tsniect smnoaisitsrn si eyteemrlx err.a +
makinallkindzofgainz  uYo etg riseab yb inbge ei,ttnb otn by nghilain ti +
drzed  heS wsa barbyplo tenbit by a t;ab aynm tseim the ibte is tno zirgendeoc an(naeu'rppt 'bt)eis, and hsut eht DCC dcsrnomeem tath vnee fi uoy iktnh yuo haev bene bnetit yb a bat (ro taht oyu UDCOL heva eenb tein,b)t ouy lhduso og dan teg ias/taepesivcv zmitunaionmi eyitamd.meil +
mangotango  kctehyS and( )inakZ assy yuo nac egt eriasb aiv naimla betsi OR sreooal riinsas.tonms In het US.. st'i stom nmolcoym hoghtru stba. It ulcod olas be uhtghro unksks (Wentsre .SU.) or s/xfcocoeonsar an(Etser U.)S.. I mebmrree tsih by niithngk utabo woh usnskk smell os dba! +
shieldmaiden  utB eht nqtueiso is h"ow ti tgo ot hte "ibnra nto how hes got t,i os teh tbes serwan si hurthog hte revnse +

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