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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old primigravid woman at 34 weeks' ...
Schistocytes ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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HLPLE msn:eodry des tyoHamEel isevl irvLe ewen sLzyom t.setlelPa

A snoimnfateiat of veseer mciapse.arepl odoBl semra shsow hisseyo.stctc Can eadl to CDI nad heicapt eusaa tlpmahsarmscobu ยŽ rpeurut ยŽ vrseee oytenip.ohsn

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mambaforstep  FA 2901 gp 269 +5
qball  One nthgi I nfdi ddo twih itsh nqtesiuo is EPLHL is a moniaitsatfen of veesre plcpsameaeri tub seh ash dha na otwrehsie aerarbenlmuk .cnneagyrp hul'noStd she hvae i/ereynedehtsopamn in gaedrsr to reh gncraenyp brhaenfdeo? +1
demihesmisome  celsraemapP,i- fi tno vr,eees anc be nietlrye mymaaspi.cott +2
misterdoctor69  eHr odlob rrseeups si 1,61042/ which ulifaeqis reh sa ivangh riaspl.apmeec +1

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