Fstir grnzocinieg her Dx just wtih .xS
DM1T ithw es,efosunenpsnio/scil cahyyrndct,actaipeaa/h hoipsyneotn dna lour.gaii lAl of siht marescs ADK htwi epmtsarnocyo ros.nespe eomrifnCd by oilnkgo at her csuGelo fo 0.90
'Sseh ginve snieal + lniisn.u tNo:e ehs owdul eb ngvie +K fi her K+ vesual eewr gyntanih beolw QL/e.5m
eWhn oyu give ui,nilsn yloul' fo osucer esraeecd elm,igyac hhicw liwl orviemp .KAD shiT lilw rpevmio erh /eadcbais aemombltis kbca to nmaorl iscnera(e in cba,rbi ernasice ni )pH. ynulneqCeso,t ,CO2p hcwhi wsa ylnailtii anyotemprsco dceaerdse rhinpoe(ytietvlaln sa a rryotipares saks)a.ilol Isnulni sloa sveaittca /KaN+ msupp, iednagl to trenru ot senbliae ed)c.s(reea
lneiaS llwi phle eht tsp loope,yihmav nad sceo,enqltuyn hre penrl-era iazetaom ,(yiklel ew taen'r vngigi Cr, btu evign reh lwo eovuml tetas, we nac mseusa tis rmalon.) er,oTrfhee BNU lilw reeseda,c as RBC sireances.
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heT tfsri ingth ot okol at is ipmtsau,os ihchw wldou rceasede aesuecb lniunsi lsceataitif ianulertrlalc fsith of ipsomstua hhw(ci si hwy it is udse as a anemettrt orf ykemp.rhe!)liaa This evlesa lnoy wto ntitepalo ss!rnwae
ehT xetn ghitn I emtliamidye iondcte saw ttha uor eaisttnp' bsla cdaidient annio agp bemlciota ocidssia e(lilyk eud ot itbceaid oiatekc.o)sdis rtiiAnoandsitm of iilnuns wdluo mirevpo htis tndci,onio adn noe of the nmia intgsh tath wdolu rccuo si cncierroto of scaoii,ds so pH ouldw niee.casr Teh oethr sartp of eth aesrwn laos kame sesen, sa niabcabeotr bsiegn to nutrre to nalrom ihwt teh insereac ni Hp nad ssel eecsnyits ofr use ni nff,brugei UNB reessaced sa teh dnieyk dmgaae rrnccouig can be slmoty desverre, dna dlobo O2C eriecsnas becaues erthe is on glenor teh nede for tpiyreorras atoipsnmnoce fo eth miltebcao cdoisisa.