As teh clsume rwsok and kbesar dnwo ,PAT aensieond si ,coudepdr liadgne to na rcsianee in the euss.its isTh rendascei dnnieaoes cuseas ovto,sinladai iwchh in trun sesacnire rsaucval cdnceatuonc ht(e wolf fo a oeuvml fo oblod oghtrhu teh .clasae)ruuvt
gthAlouh you yam nihkt eclusm toricocnant aym edla to a earesced in lfwo hrthogu eht l)s(evsse yb enegsuizq donw on tehm, thsi maisemhnc is erveomoc yb teh enridasce dcairca ttopuu mfro het eatr.h
submitted by ∗ajguard26(55)
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As teh clsume rwsok and kbesar dnwo ,PAT aensieond si ,coudepdr liadgne to na rcsianee in the euss.its isTh rendascei dnnieaoes cuseas ovto,sinladai iwchh in trun sesacnire rsaucval cdnceatuonc ht(e wolf fo a oeuvml fo oblod oghtrhu teh .clasae)ruuvt
gthAlouh you yam nihkt eclusm toricocnant aym edla to a earesced in lfwo hrthogu eht l)s(evsse yb enegsuizq donw on tehm, thsi maisemhnc is erveomoc yb teh enridasce dcairca ttopuu mfro het eatr.h