gaDmea to C otr)(om lo’duwtn xlaepin lnycuef cuyFnle (ianL=t olfw; hte eaes ithw chwhi teh anbri utaolrsfem s.w)dro rueSlrd peehsc si ruoy nbair niwokgn dan oifgunrmalt the wsord aeys tbu oryu ohmtu ucelsms nto ar!oenoipgct-
So, scfeyinu-ld ≠ reuldsr e.chspe sihT ngnaetelm is dltefsu-in ni the mesa wya uoe’ry ud-senlift nehw you vsiti :sraiP oyru anibr trsseggul to melfaruot rhFenc wdrso ni the itfrs !lapce heT only lseoin atht nieapxls hatt ni uyro vaeint otgeun is a isnoel to eht gaeanugl issstheyn ercetn = orcBa’s
I tpu C asceebu I htuhtog ahtt eht sewseakn fo teh elrwo 23/ face neatm treeh asw nsteomhig reom ogngi on ahtn usjt ceehsp ebopmrls fomr 'rsBaoc haaisp.a
aemDga ot C )m(troo ndtwl’uo lenxpai u*lfce*ny erbsolp.m nycuelF in=Lt(a l```f;wo` hte esae twih hihwc teh binar teoslfruam r)wds.o Srleudr ecshpe is uyro inbra wngikon dan ltfuognmrai eth odwsr aeys btu uryo tohmu secsulm nto -petong!oairc
So, dy-ciesulnf ≠ rsrleud pechse. This emtnganel si -lsnutfdei in het esam yaw uyr’eo flitdeu-sn wnhe uoy ivits risaP: ruyo airbn lsgtuersg ot rameoftlu rnechF sdrwo in het rsitf !plcea The oynl sinloe thta plixeasn ahtt ni oury vatine ogunte is a enisol ot eth gnaauelg ityessnhs cnrtee = o’rBsca .eara
submitted by ∗drdoom(1206)
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gaDmea to C otr)(om lo’duwtn xlaepin lnycuef cuyFnle (ianL=t
; hte eaes ithw chwhi teh anbri utaolrsfem s.w)dro rueSlrd peehsc si ruoy nbair niwokgn dan oifgunrmalt the wsord aeys tbu oryu ohmtu ucelsms nto ar!oenoipgct-So, scfeyinu-ld ≠ reuldsr e.chspe sihT ngnaetelm is dltefsu-in ni the mesa wya uoe’ry ud-senlift nehw you vsiti :sraiP oyru anibr trsseggul to melfaruot rhFenc wdrso ni the itfrs !lapce heT only lseoin atht nieapxls hatt ni uyro vaeint otgeun is a isnoel to eht gaeanugl issstheyn ercetn = orcBa’s