eehrt ear sP'AQ in het CTP btu r'yeteh ton taht dtaun.anb okLo ta it hits a,wy Q'PsA are yb iidnnetfoi a pnrsatertor nda otehrrefe ehty nca be etsa.urtda hTe PTC is the ngki fo lla teroisporn dan a ibg onrase for htat is rallauaprecl or,tpsatrn hwhic tnac' eb tusr.dtaea Tihs olas semka snese sa to why ew cna arett eghopenrcni ID athwi dehizita, ti sesuca EECNRSADI rsbeor at the PCT hihcw nac revo eorwp teh erts fo eth prenhon. hTe CTP esdo nertvgiyeh and hte rste fo hte rphenno egts eht tlef evors
submitted by ∗hungrybox(1277)
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I gto udcsfone htwi sprqaoainu os I idpkec E :(
But uaonrqipsa rea ni eht neicgolclt cu,td NOT teh lmpaoxri tlubeu