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Retired NBME 19 Answers

nbme19/Block 1/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
Three tests are developed to identify ...
Test 3 followed by test 1 if test 3 is positive 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by cassdawg(1781)
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DLR;:T ouY awnt hte smto tesiveisn tste ritsf to reul uto teh esdsiae ni savitngee (least ehoikiodll of lseaf etien)vag dna hte tosm ipfecsic tets tnex ot rel"u i"n noly uert sepitoivs el(ats oedlioiklh fo aflse sis)otipev 0A[F022 52]7p

eTh awy I salway hktni of sityeisinvt nda ytcpecisiif si ni eilnrtao to eslaf anivtsgee nad lseaf i.voistspe

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  • hgHi s P fcieectiiy enams uoy aer sels iklely to veha alsfe sioPtives (sonmeoe how ettss osiivpet btu esod ont heva hte esead)si

nI hsti qsui,neto uyo atnw to ueersn uoy are nlyo atetigrn eoths how cltlayau eavh eth ,daeisse ro in hrtoe odrws thta you wtan to zieimnim yruo efals vitsspeio. hTe tseb ywa ot od thsi si iaemmzix is.fiectPicy tTse 1 hsa 001% iftcesipicy ngneima ti lwli vhae eynlsslieat ON elsaf etsovpisi whcih si tegar os ew ieytdfinle watn to ues ti nnitialeigm( all but owt oinptos!) eTh eebrtt ayw to erunes uoy rea ctnacghi sa nmya ceass sa soipebsl hlwie siltl nlyo tgeingt etru otsveispi is ot estt ihtw stte 3 s,frit whcih hsa a uhmc rhehgi eiitvstiys.n thTa yaw we era nilrgu tuo esaseid ni the sagevntei fo tset 3. hiTs olas ddas to uor iibatly to lyno rtuyl traet ohtse hitw aeiessd as we aveh duerl tou ideseas in uor rtsif evtneiga iap,tupnloo hnet we sett hte ivsiposte to lr"ue i"n edseias thiw a yihhgl ficcipes

ehT esusi wiht sungi Ttse 1 fstri adn loyn tgtsine eth iosveispt is we wkno het isiovetps fmor estt 1 rae eyillk utre tsespivo,i as the lhgihy iespiccf test lwuod vahe a cilayslba eozr aself ovtieips At htta onpit erhet dowlu eb on otipn ni tensgti htwi estt 3, as we haev sciylabla a treu ipoestiv upot.poalin eTh ssieu is we have emissd a lot fo aedisdes ued ot the owl vtiisseytni and gihh safel envgieta erat of tste .1

nohretA ywa to thnik fo ihts is ot rbermeme het mluofras a(s sieNtsyitvi snniacto easlf tsNga,eiev dna sitPcifciey insnaoct slfea iisoPtesv in het famosur;l ese itFr)A:isd

  • iivtyesntis = treu iopevsti / e(tur vtpiiseo + afles tinegaev) = 1 - fslea vteegnia eatr --;t&g hgerhi nivtissiyet sname ssel rate of aesfl venteagis
  • tfisipcyice = eurt taigeenv / ut(re eevnatgi + slaef ptiso)vie = 1 - lsefa vtiipeso reat &;g-t- hegihr iitcfyicspe nesma less etar fo elasf piossvite

I/SUPTNNSO lsao phlse to rrmebmee htat iepfcsic tetss rleu ni eeis,dsa and isetsvein sstte rlue out seesadi

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the_crown_7  Gtrae intElpaax.on iThs eotnusqi ippdrte em up, twhi ntghiikn ttah eth estb t,set wodlu amiiemxz thob tpsre.amrae So cna esomeon aplese anxepli why T"ste 2 "noyl ciwhh hsa hte sgtehhi sen pam;& c,eps is crrincet.o +
shiggins8  yWh I nddti' oosche Test 2 nloy is euceabs het esmt ssedster eth cxit'tyio fo eht ,r'gdu dan ,htus gitanter shote ohw lauctlay vhae eht .daseies oYu olduw illts eb taiertgn ivinuilddsa how yam not avhe teh ,nlssiel tush xgopesni mhet to eaussnceryn iioy.txct Or ta laste atts'h woh I ivdewe i.t +

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