svbolOuyi no ctuprie ehre, tub A"" in the pcirteu etrsnperse rcBas'o aaer, hhwci olwdu uaesc eth evxerseips aasiahp this ineattp is .einegnxpecir
erwvoH,e teh eqoutsni laso esstta the ttipena sah nkewssae fo the erolw wsti-otdrh of shi a.fce hisT mya aeusc uyo ot nhkti teehr is eaybm a nloesi in het etlerrnc-ap mroot arae hgitnki(n unsuomcu,)hl ubt aeezilr ttha eht romot arae atserlv lal hte way nodw ot teh toombt of hte rfltoan be,ol HRIGT IHEBND HET ARCO'BS RAA.E In ,ctfa B'ocasr raae sonpessemac ttah aptr of hte uslum.nhocu Adn ncies teh ppeur tpar of the eafc is rellndocto yb eth ppeur aprt fo teh acaifl mtoro ,ocxret dan eht wolre rpat is nlodotlerc yb eth elrow rtpa fo the aaflci trmoo xrceo,t ouy can ahve aaplsiyrs of hte wlroe rpta of hte fcea and have esvxiesrep ihaasap if eth enisol is in ttah pcicfies eaar dsoe( otn deen ot eb a wlroe toorm olesin ot reasp hte rupep er)aef.afod/hce
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svbolOuyi no ctuprie ehre, tub A"" in the pcirteu etrsnperse rcBas'o aaer, hhwci olwdu uaesc eth evxerseips aasiahp this ineattp is .einegnxpecir
erwvoH,e teh eqoutsni laso esstta the ttipena sah nkewssae fo the erolw wsti-otdrh of shi a.fce hisT mya aeusc uyo ot nhkti teehr is eaybm a nloesi in het etlerrnc-ap mroot arae hgitnki(n unsuomcu,)hl ubt aeezilr ttha eht romot arae atserlv lal hte way nodw ot teh toombt of hte rfltoan be,ol HRIGT IHEBND HET ARCO'BS RAA.E In ,ctfa B'ocasr raae sonpessemac ttah aptr of hte uslum.nhocu Adn ncies teh ppeur tpar of the eafc is rellndocto yb eth ppeur aprt fo teh acaifl mtoro ,ocxret dan eht wolre rpat is nlodotlerc yb eth elrow rtpa fo the aaflci trmoo xrceo,t ouy can ahve aaplsiyrs of hte wlroe rpta of hte fcea and have esvxiesrep ihaasap if eth enisol is in ttah pcicfies eaar dsoe( otn deen ot eb a wlroe toorm olesin ot reasp hte rupep er)aef.afod/hce