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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Omeprazole ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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Orzaoelemp si a tropon mppu riitobihn hichw fafctes the bovibaiaialyitl of tnzrcoaialeo ybermalspu yb grnneftiire itwh obrastipno sa it eacesdsre csarigt Hp.



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wsu22  eOrmoalzep seIcnersa cgrsiat pH btu ynhigevret lees si r.rcceot +7

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submitted by โˆ—shieldmaiden(32)
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rnozaIteloca si envgi in na ldunteescaap fluroam ihwch endpdse on an icaidc Hp to vseoslid. IsPP liek apmeleozro ieancres teh sschma'ot ,pH uths dnraegesci het tnamou fo zitonlecaaor bdba.orse rPoo toprsanibo sdeo not llaow olcintrezaao ot aehcr sti uteeatcirph slaapm cnnaontieocrt. A unoslito rfo isth odlwu be to igve het orntoazeilca iva olra noutolsi ro .VI

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submitted by meiraim(1)
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Tshi petitna ltisl hsa as.histomplisso lzreempaOo (a IP)P sghnaec hte Hp of hte mcthsao nad acn ntveper het rpaobnosit of icntrea rsgud thta qeuerri aiccdi dankeorwb to be .eobdrsba lzapOermeo is lsao a P540 ir,nbtihio cginransie eth eteffc dan ttcorncinnaoe efor oht rg.sdu

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submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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soleAz i(nndcigul rozoni)aeclat nad eamoerozlp are tbho 45P0 hoiri.tisbn (540p tnrciaontsie 1F802A 74P,2 zsoael 8A20F1 p.919

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shieldmaiden  Tyhe hibinti eiertfndf oyzsnesmie +
sertolileydigguy  taht ouwld cineresa cnoonerincsatt aasnyyw ^ +3

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