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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A girl is brought to the physician for a ...
9 ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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FA2019, pg. 621:

During 0-12 months, Parents Start Observing (P, S, O):

Ps--primitive reflexes disappear, posture (lifts head, rolls, sits up, crawls), picks (passes toys by hand, pincer grasp), points to objects

Ss--social smile, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety

Os--orients to name and gestures (i.e. peekaboo in this infant), object permanence, oratory

This girl is standing while holding onto a table, which seems to suggest that she is pre-walking age (walking doesn't happen until 12-18 months)

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giantotter  FA 2020 635 +

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