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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 70-year old man is admitted to the hospital ...
Pulmonary neoplasm ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ihsT amn has DHSIA dmr(seyno of oapnitpiarrep ieaurintcdti nh)mrooe hchwi si eyklli dsceau yb a lpearnoptciaas ymosnedr oacdeatiss wthi mslal llec ngul eccnar A2(200F 28)2p

ihTs amn srtpnees ithw niyo,emhaatr chyarim,lheoop ronmla usmsipato, onraml UBN dan ircenaet,ni aeresddce alspam ,slyiotlamo dan aeescrndi eunri layooti.slm ADSHI is cdahtzereraic by urein maot;msgy&rtoiesllu lsylmoiaot adn nmtarapehyoi 83(.)3p ishT si cbuease HAD segrrgti etnnoteri fo aewtr by sonentrii of nauwspario tion teh cigctlnleo euubtl.s ehT sreadnice bydo taewr eirrsgtg saedrcdee troeisnce fo irnne dna drcdeesea aittiacnov fo hte neaeossr-igleetdtnnnroianion- y.mstse sLes dleetanoros dlsae to essl riotnenet fo duisom and sesl icxetrnoe of tsus.mopia ihsT ecidbnmo thwi idtoinul ofmr renoeintt fo atwre seald to mryaneaptoih thiw tuamssopi .nmolar aBitcereUn/niN era daetunceff eebsuca eth ndiseyk ear a.ddguanem

ihTs si TNO ocicept ACTH ntoceseir becsaeu taht louwd dlea ot Ch'issgun dosmreny ihcwh osed ont hvea teh aeaiticrcrstch stoyamlloi sdeicrffnee adn naedirsce oortclsi anc cmimi cisrcroemlndotaiio dlaiegn to nreameiptyhar.

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taylor5479  In oruy lsta tn,pio you eerdrfer to cihug'nss I cldou be ,ongwr tbu I saw drnue the opeimnirss ttah sxcsee TACH osla ceassu na iasnerec ni iiccotmdrroeiaoln cuoo,npdtir not htat cniedsare ioorcslt rseiecnlsay imcmis tcimr.coierdooansli ierEht wa,y ti ouwdl ulsetr in the msea fefcte of me.iaytarprenh +
chj7  I tknih loeantesrod oincotrudp is inmayl redlauegt yb ,ARAS wleih ACTH ahs morja fteescf on oriclgudoiccot iotocpndur dna riconi/tnom effcset no elerdostnao toorniudpc (fgotor erwhe I was itsh ,xcaetyl yambe ?W)U +

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