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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 27-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Gonorrhea ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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hiTs yald keyill sha iplcve lmtmynifaora aees.isd PDI sucroc hnwe elslyuxa amstitrndte rbctaaie larvte romf hte avngai ot teh ,eutsru onplfiaal ,betsu ro es.vaori

Sspmtymo of IDP nepli-aui-cnd ni hte elwro aeomdnb nad ,eplvsi mrabaoln agvialn echdras,gi raaoblmn ilgaanv gdie,nble npai nrigud isercr,uteno erefv onda/r llhs,ic dna f/tpaelnfrinuque n.tauinori

uaesCs fo DPI smot ncolyomm ducieln grnhoaeor dan hci.mlayda kRis rofatcs uiecndl xusela ic,ayivtt s.ep htiw telpimul saetrrpn ro uttowih a nmdc.oo anHigv a hoytris of DPI or TIS is osla a isrk rctafo orf P.DI

ltcpasnioomiC fo IPD ecdn:uil tecipoc nna,rycgep enytlr,ifiit ota-rbvioanu .escbass

uOr itapnet hsa laiabmdon ipna + ervef + nlagiva decirgsah + ghhi CBW cnotu. heS oals sha a hx of tciocep naenrypcg 1 arey oga, iwchh oudlc mnea hes adh a btou fo DIP, ptugitn rhe at rkis for a sn.cdeo


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waitingonprometric  I gfoort ot -asy;g-&t seh hsa DIP, rteehroe,f tosm ykliel sauec of PID fmor oru silt of nweasr cihcose = ronao.gehr +4
iceberglettuce  In tdi,niado vclrceai oitnmo sdrentesen (on em)xa si gihlyh gssvteigue fo I.DP +1
hchairston  lraatiecB sognsvaii is nto ,inlfpau inaigitvs is fanilpu. So heter is na ysea way ot /ro acberatil ogsn.vaA iFis 0921 gape 811 +

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