elBwo era nsikl ot pstuicer fo twha eahc osrnmgai olwud loko lkei no a niast:
iBoiseassb si evrfe nad hmteicoyl sadeesi remaintdnyolp in the sarttehno U,S aylulus nrtspese thiw asiclcs a"lsmeet r"ssco ni RCsB A[22F00 5p17]
miishLsaaines nca be ntuascoue thwi uerlc peioaernsntt ro lvicares wtih spiikgn seevf,r tgasoneapmolehpl,ey nad .pteynnaipaoc Teh aetsogitmsa rae ptneesr in apeghrmoasc ton CBsR F0[02A2 ]p815
raialaM si udsaec by hte upaoldmsim ecpsies nad enpserts twhi ootzihetopr ignr msorf in B.RsC tI si rtemditastn by eht aeoleshpn mtoiuoqs and si cndimee ni parst fo .afrcAi tI cusesa ,ferve aedcheah, man,aie and oymsnaleeglp FA[0220 1p7]5
Tloimsaopsosx is si an ltuaraecllinr pratiaes btu a lsalm nrmub itxse areylreulxllcta as hctizyoeast in ldob;o it nca aosl uceas sstieu scyst fedill ihtw bdyoieatzsr. nI epmtmcomonuenit hsost ti usocpred i-mkloone osystmmp ubt ni odmsrnmiioocmepum ti wlil idtsaiesmin nda sceua gi-eniannhcgrn natsrbusii/e sbs.cseeas A200[F2 6p15]
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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elBwo era nsikl ot pstuicer fo twha eahc osrnmgai olwud loko lkei no a niast: