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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 40-year-old woman with a 6-month history of ...
Wegener granulomatosis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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enreWge uaasotglmnsiro, losa lecald aooringltusmas ihwt p,gisoliyanti si a uiiecstdavl ttha cmooymnl pnrseest whti het drtai fo aolcf cginnizeotr cissvil,uta zcngrieiotn aolrunamsg in eth nugl and peupr wia,ayr dan ngiitoecrnz ceteccrnsi reniuigoelshomtrlp F00(A22 p 413 adn 59)6

ereegnW is tacoiedssa whti cnchori iiu,tsnssi eoiyp,htmss nda PA-N3RCA tlhnuro(npteaii oiyclstmcap an,tobiyd orylrfme ecdlal -C.c)ANA

enNo fo eth ohtre aesrnws aer etcssdoaia whit ACAN ectpex -srtsCusuargh sen.domry us-gstrChusra mrysoedn aols( dcalel sonpleihoici sugmaaostlunoi whti )iognylspiait si acsiatdeos whit CM-OAPAN rlrm(yeof dcllea ApA.N)-C ,orweHve saugCsruh-srt seod tno ahev wloer tiryprrosea ntnmo,viveel psmytioesh, or ptcyha unlg cisipaeto on RC.X

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j44n  llA NA'sAC era stgaina rnoeispt ni eth tocayl,smp yteh erwe llniyanttnioe gaveu dna edtawn oyu ot xdd iths off of iclnlcai rsep +1
jurrutia  ruSsr-gtsChau anc affcte hte s,nlgu tbu tno teh euprp a.awiry +2
shieldmaiden  ycaAtllu arusrh-gutCsS eosd tcffae the epupr ayawri tini;ussi(s) you rae cufgionns ti thwi ripscmiococ ailnsiygoitp hchwi is soal csoaisdeta whti CONM-AAP ikel SC nad htwi rewol ayrwia nvoetmievnl leik ere.Weng A way to letl eesth aratp is ttah 1() SC dnelicus ,aathms nl,aasmuogr psohoi,eilsn iwehl ()2 MPA sha on anagolrsum nad deos not lvvioen norynxpaahs, nda 3() W ash uagmslonar ni otbh pperu and eorlw isaayrw dan eislovnv PACR-3AN +1

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