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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 20-year-old woman has multiple ...
Autosomal dominant ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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hisT si reiooabtumfirssNo eTpy ,I hichw is an tsoalaomu nndtimoa saeesid F0(22A0 06,p 255)

Eenv fi ouy did tno wkon hsit cfat, uoy lcdou iyekll suges smoalotau minondta debsa no eth ecrhniietna tptanre nda ganlere ssedaie brcsd.iede It is EYRV NOMCMO in the lmyifa no eon dsie eth( mse)rhto and ti ddi otn kisp a aieenno.tgr lsoauAomt esceesrvi pssik ronsegiaetn. nihdoMrlotaic hwti alvribae reetpenacn ludoc be ,opilsebs tbu the idsesae rtaenpt fro latidhonoicmr ear iyshetma,op tocmlbeia, ro ocpit yru.hoatnep ile-ndkX oldwu aehv LAL fo hte onss fo het tmorhe tefdeacf twre(hhe it aws tianomdn ro svrie)c.see

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abkapoor  eikndX-l otnnaimd yam ton ehav lla of the nsos of hte hrmtoe fafcedet if ehs sievg rhe ehrot x hmsmooocre anefdctfu(e eomsoo)c.rhm It is ilyhccnteal bsosplei orf hist seeaids ot owllof ke-idxln ditnmoan a.eteniinrhc ehT eqtionus utsj ueesqirr ouy ot smsaue isht is F1N +4
jdc_md  if ti was Xn-ntdiaom not all fo eht noss wduol eavh ti cseaube teh omm olwuddlcou/ tmso eilkly be xX tpone.eyg If the ehtrcinaine asw si-vexresec and het motrhe peodssess eth heepoyntp ehnt all fo het ssno luwdo be eecffadt +
abkapoor  stI lecrhieyttloa solsipeb rfo it to eb k-nedilX nnd.iotam Ist juts niulekl.y +

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