This hdcil kllyie hsa a mnlneyolmiceoeeg (aurnle bute edtcef dsauec yb ulreafi fo teh eosuorepnr ot ufse in eewk 4, 002F2A p94).1 uealNr ubte vpnmedtoele in egeranl curocs eewsk 83- (F202A0 )261p hwchi rpsncesdoor omts loeslcy to sayd 51-.04 annreisgeosOg nda omts tvila teonledmpve asol rcuocs irdnug itsh ir.pdeo
yasD -101 aer iacyytlpl "lla ro o"gnhtni in taht a dceeft wodlu scuae eltfa .edemsi
ayDs 0-765 ~wse(ek )01-8 aer aotisdceas twih rexlaent algitne eeedplnm,ovt lpeaat nad eteht.
The omst iacrtcil edripso ear apiylclyt rveo yb ekew 01 (ese shit crhta)
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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This hdcil kllyie hsa a mnlneyolmiceoeeg (aurnle bute edtcef dsauec yb ulreafi fo teh eosuorepnr ot ufse in eewk 4, 002F2A p94).1 uealNr ubte vpnmedtoele in egeranl curocs eewsk 83- (F202A0 )261p hwchi rpsncesdoor omts loeslcy to sayd 51-.04 annreisgeosOg nda omts tvila teonledmpve asol rcuocs irdnug itsh ir.pdeo
yasD -101 aer iacyytlpl "lla ro o"gnhtni in taht a dceeft wodlu scuae eltfa .edemsi
ayDs 0-765 ~wse(ek )01-8 aer aotisdceas twih rexlaent algitne eeedplnm,ovt lpeaat nad eteht.
The omst iacrtcil edripso ear apiylclyt rveo yb ekew 01 (ese shit crhta)