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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man is brought to the physician ...
Pellagra ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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eTh 3 s'D of l:elPaagr Dra,eirah emtrdaits, datmeen an(d dhea)t

He sresentp hwit teh slsicca rtida of smtspymo rfo aprlagl,e itianvm nc3ai/nBi fecc.iyidne (A202F0 6)7p

  • iTsh si ton eibbrrie /ieBnhati1m( iefnedy)cic - reriibBe mya retpsen wtih rtnpouapheyylo nda usemcl nawtisg tbu ton kisn ifgnsnid or aa.ihderr etW eirrbbie may laos seepnrt wthi htaer atr/ouyochemlpa.afdiriy F2A20(0 66)p
  • Srcyvu (ab/ocCsirc daic iidfcnc)yee ersenpst iwth enlowls g,usm asye ,unrgbisi ieht,caipe orcsrwkec shr,ia and kdewneae imnmeu ropnsese 202FA0( 69)p
  • eWrkecin renmsody mhnt/1i(iea)B rntepsse hitw noisnfu,co m,gtlhiphoelaaop dna axatia dna is casseotdai iwth crcnohi hmo.silclao May posergsr to aKoksrffo dosyrnme wchih is esreve msncitaie r,rddsieo lctaauninf,obo adn epylantoisr negcah 6)(p6
  • ppeilWh adeises is escadu by het aribecat rophyemrTa lwihpiip dna is ctriaezaredch yb ofyam +SPA scaeagrmoph in eth itnilntsea nlamia oarrip,p oplabatrms,nio ciacdra ps,momyst ,risgatrhala nda uroen ysmtspom era nmmoco )1(38p
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