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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
16-year-old girl comes to the physician ...
IgM ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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hSe sha ysaoclpmMa ianmnpeeou iwhhc ecusas lkaiwgn litcy(pa,a tl)ieirttsnai uomeinnpa dan irecanse in olcd nsugiangilt )(IgM

02F02A p501

If ouy are a kycesht nsrepo hciw(h I am ,o)tn I am rpetty srue aopcMlamys si etcpdide in eth cdo,l or sa a ygu on siks in ugdr nes,o hihwc can leph oyu bermmree ocdl gita.usilgnn slAo aMsalcmopy t&-g; gMI h(te eeltrt .M)

Aols (orf ummion rnsed ro eiltasr)zorn,ai gMI is eth rfsti tibyonad ot eb dpdcroeu so ti dwlou meak snees atht yuo lwdou vaeh MgI hsit ryael ni the cionfeint ichwh cna eausc dclo autnntliiaggo (she has onyl bene isck ofr a ewf )as.dy gIG ecsasu rmaw nlttnoaaugi,ig hihwc si tlpcayiyl snee in eorm ihrocnc eesospsrc ilke LSE nad LLC 2(F02A0 34.2)p oN adie fi ahtt si eth caalut saiehnmcm tub it is who I ekep emht taihgtsr ni ym nimd nad kemsa ee.nss

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279
flapjacks  sA a "khestyc nspeor" dan nto a noez",ialar"rti I acn imrconf teh csmalaMpoy sah rde dbolo lcle cpks""u eidltiangzgu thwi IMg loeksasfwn +27
j44n  tJsu to ,dad hse ash ntiteilitasr lfteasiintr os tis na atplayic enai,muonp on teorh dink fo licaapty emiuponna lwdou csaue mhet ot ehva l.ianuaittongg I'm tno a iaazirleotnr I'm a sviemas over rehitnk +2
sexymexican888  Y,eah im a cskythe nropes too! Side e,not rof amneitoumu hiceylotm nameai I ermrembe it thsi ayw: MIg g;&t- eM dClo, og SIENDI c(odl iuat,tlioggnan vararstaniulc hielosys)m gGI &-gt; oG otudise sti THO (wram oiaggtintlnu,a aaxeluasrrvtc hsoismely) +8

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