Mycobacterium leprae is an acid-fast bacteria which can cause two skin manifestations:
Lepromatous presents diffusely over the skin and with leonine facies and is more serious with a largely Th2 response and high bacteria load
Tuberculoid (what our patient has) presents with a few hypoesthetic hairless skin plaques with a largely Th1 response and low bacteria load
Leprosy likes cool temperatures so it infects skin and superficial nerves. Even without knowing the organism, the link could also be potentially inferred!
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
Mycobacterium leprae likes cool temperatures (FA2020 p141)
Mycobacterium leprae is an acid-fast bacteria which can cause two skin manifestations:
Leprosy likes cool temperatures so it infects skin and superficial nerves. Even without knowing the organism, the link could also be potentially inferred!