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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 3/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
A physician is sad because he has to inform a ...
Yes, it is. ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: Delivering_Bad_News

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submitted by โˆ—waitingonprometric(264)
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m'I gsugnsie het iade erhe is ot ont aevle the nteitap hngagin no waht hsi idnosiasg si nad ot senawr sih oetinsuq .dtcirlye

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waitingonprometric  etUrflnt,yauon 'Im os sued ot the MNEB niwantg su ot use d"enneo-ped "uqtisosne in ervey sttanioui hatt I ocesh Tell" em who you are .e"gilfen Lol +19
primingprivileged  VUapflA/AMdg2AllZF:/f8UfqwfoRb25cb12N5hu2Ip8?1_t/mImrc1raDwv=do6p01ipF/tRGy.57Q9/0r2/tUYg.-s2czE0Ihswaw8p.do5TwDDxeS e abelT 1n heW. eiligndevr bad ,enws yuo ndee ot estat ttha abd snwe is .moignc eB erltbeaeid but msaeatpoisn.oc +2

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submitted by peacock20(5)
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tish syauleolbt espsid me ffo. ehTy wslaya nwat us ot eb mrwa nad nope nda issk ss.a tBu neop ton shit

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submitted by meiraim(1)
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iveegrilnD abd snew qusireer hte chsiyapni to be iet,rdc ot ton igev faesl pohe tabou smetarttne tno deraily avl,abaeli dan ot seu diitlme imladec ngaroj.

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