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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
A 9-year-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Diverticulum of the roof of the embryonic oral cavity ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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She has a naaroomnyihprgaic, het msto mcmono lchdhdoio tlrntripasouae tumor hcwhi si eeirdvd ofmr etmsrnan fo hesakRt' ohucp 022FA0( p52.)8 noiaiyrmosaCpnharg onmmocyl avhe ctacioafciinl nda cna cusea yprpyhitutoia uessis ie(lk wol G).HH raaSrluleps is osla hte icolnota of the itauirpy,t dna ityptiaru srumot ni ngearle csaeu ilerbmpoat noiaiaemsph edu ot isomocnpsre of the icpot mis.hac

'aeRtskh hocup (weher naigapcsrmyihornao dna troriaen iuirpytat aer rveddei orm)f is ediverd ormf teh efcarsu teeomcdr fo eht rloa ty.vcai

Ntoe hatt eht shihsoppyyurnoe rie(ortspo tutiyap)ir is devdrei mfro ealnru eredctmo iwelh het opsenoyiadhysph oi(rtanre pait)utyri si rdeivde fmor rcesuaf mtdoerce fo teh rlao icyt.av

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cheesetouch  AF 0128 5P21 +2
ali_hassan  If uoy're keil m,e yuo itsgahrt pu scohe tNee"uoocmrred fo eht cnneedph"oail uebaecs teh word "eodrmtE"c saw ni t.i +1

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