heT useonitq lnseaytlise tnwsa yuo to emak a ntdionitics nteweeb elPtbaru esayoamnGict and aatiPloolghc tcsoGeaiamny
laePtbur notaaigmeysc
yam be rlaeanliut ro aeltblrai
tredne ro neodtnner
oufdn in 05 % of ocetnlesdas adn iltaclyyp srsveeol by the aeg of 17 , nad as hscu itstnepa eirqure etltli erom htna earcsauesnr
ihsT tPitaen eowvrhe is elarayd bovea hte age fo (71 elur uot sraescnurae )O
f! the esipbosl sucsae fo aotlpioahcgl oasageinymtc , ncbliaao sdoitre use is a ryve elyikl onopit eabsd no hte ospterdiinc depvrdoi
See i adsmesu sthi wsa a wohโ to eb a rmeo eictemhtpa nchasyiiโp oetnsiq,u so i dsai sur.eesancra tuB i sgeus ont itgupnt aacnrseerus amske esnse cb ti lesmiip heetnivgry si oanmlr
boTzaoner@ I iktnh 'ist stju one of ohtse ucsp"est nyeeevor ultin vrenop irs/"reostwohuwetrthyt esutisoqn P:
submitted by โandro(269)
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heT useonitq lnseaytlise tnwsa yuo to emak a ntdionitics nteweeb elPtbaru esayoamnGict and aatiPloolghc tcsoGeaiamny
laePtbur notaaigmeysc
ihsT tPitaen eowvrhe is elarayd bovea hte age fo (71 elur uot sraescnurae )O f! the esipbosl sucsae fo aotlpioahcgl oasageinymtc , ncbliaao sdoitre use is a ryve elyikl onopit eabsd no hte ospterdiinc depvrdoi