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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 1/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 59-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Imatinib ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—andro(269)
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epylrreavefiiootMl drrsiDeos :

Teyh are lal csioasated iwth eht KJA ATTS ontaumit whit eth piteeoncx fo CLM hihcw is aoctdasies ithw hte iosnuf eegn :CBBALR ( mfro (;29t2 .e)i- illepaahdihp ohsocmrmeo )

MCL xT : nbtiiima - RCBLA-B ryTsoine knaesi irbhotnii

TX of the erlpyotlrmifveeoai srdsrdioe - xinliotubRi - usaJn enaiks inoiithbr

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cheesetouch  10A28F 2P241-04 +
shieldmaiden  0F2A20 33434-2 +1
hauyuehlin  owH ot ellt its' CML? +

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submitted by โˆ—shieldmaiden(32)
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I was neetewb shete tow ie(tnaryacb nad mbnat)iii eaeucbs I un'octld itnpo out if it aws MAL ro CL.M I aelrend all fo het uulas ucels orf chae noe but I grtofo autob the atmeulnfdna fdeenriefc of atbssl vs atemru rmfos a(nd atht adbns rea onubd to aarpep ni MLC .)oot fI eyth vieg uoy a LMC ni the btsla isic,sr hnet kool rof Aeur .sdor anyAsw,y tgo ti rnwgo dna oehp atht 'tnwo hnpaep a.iang

wo,N anrduntngdies sthi I nca see who hte hmaolacyprog rskw.o

atrnaieybC - LAM ys(tolm ls-bsta dan r-)tceyosp

Aeatoetb,itnmil a irnupe alogan, hapseS- ipfsi,cec niibhti NAD iystnshse

ttneoP hngoeu orf eht czayr rrofeiaonlpti ggoin no

iatmiIbn - CLM stml(oy c-syte dna a tol of shab)lipso

roensTiy easkni iihbtniro fo carbl-b dan c-ikt ormsut

lnmtiAbtesietao anc loas eb usd,e but eht steb naersw si aniibmit scbuaee sti' eth smot ipsfccei orf shti tepy fo ,cracen sa ti usnrt off het -epnrcoarc switch lacrb-)b.(

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prostar  breycaiatn is inpidimeyr oalnag +

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