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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 1/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 24-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Ectopic pregnancy ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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In tcoicep gnpeeacsrin, ChG is teeaevld ofmr beae,slni tub slse anth ni armonl rngecpnay dna umch ssel hnat tofaidhdirmy

hTis mtes lnyo ssay atht hCG is adveetel mofr s,laebien os ti lcudo eb eocict,p nolamr epannyrgc ro mryidafithod .elom

Form ehost 3 oo,tnpis sit' nto raomln ceprgyann bc fo wlo GhC pma;& irentnpoetas, nad si't not hfotydiiadmr elom ebsucae of olw ,hGC eth eearntntispo pa;m& the ssgro ohgytlopa ahm(didyorift elom tnwldou' ehav osemhingt hatt olsko tath cuhm liek a ft.e)us So ist' mtso iklely na ciotcpe .rpcngneya

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hiroshimi  wHo do yuo onwk hatt het es"deranci CG"h si aalyuclt welro nhta hawt you txp,ece iecsn eht emst ddi ton asy ihnnatyg eIls? ?e? swa twnbeee cciotpe pyreanncg adn ohamiyiddfrt dolm eisnc eht lpatari meol acn hvae ariltpa etufs sa ll.we tBu I eussg s'it usjt riapa,lt not the ulfl etufs klei we ese in het loA,s ydaoirfmtdih sctiaeosa with auilerrrg enilegbd rnoa/d iesemeypsrh ntah aetcu api.n +2
trazobone  sAol ot dad to eht trlaiap sv ,cocetip eth eeerpscn fo iteosklysuoc sift tbeetr wtih itccope insec hsโ€™es in pnia chwih snema het ollnfpaai tueb rurdeutp nad onw uyo eedn nimemu smsyte to go okw.r But AF eiostnmn htgnoin atoub ilessutokyoc edcotiasas twhi epictoc encrynpag os I am igjnotnerccu. +2

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