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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 1/Question#9 (reveal difficulty score)
A 50-year-old man underwent a bowel resection ...
Hematogenous spread of colonic tumor via the portal venous system ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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1 tmrou w/ met to rilve is onocl acenrc 280Fa1 62p2
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cheesetouch  rsroy for a yalz nwaers f!ksol +6
docinthehouse18  Yse ti swa rteypt vosioub ahtt ti swa noolc arc.nce ,oeHvwre oonCl rnacec is a aioncmcar adn olyn rouf oamniracc esaprd enueo.shytamogl CRC n'sit eno fo yhW TNIS' hte rw:naes uomtr degseni fo the aoimbnald ctavyi omfr eht icoconl trumo? kTahn uy!o +5
cheesetouch  8dchso@1ehntieou toN egrat tsh,igin tub I nitkh eth smto iscclas caes fo dniegse of odnebam si tlmonae anckgi in aivaron eccrna b(tu ikiw loas ssay ocsas w olnco dan )tamcs.oh +

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submitted by โˆ—pakimd(31)
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@chi8dts1oneehou esy oocln nccera radpsse ot dntista ognsar vai aistchympl .e.g ot teh gulsn utb het nrseoa ywh het msot moocnm natolioc fo lnooc ncaerc samtistsae is eth veilr si ebuseac of the neiquu acnmoati nttaiuios with srgeard ot patrlo noevsu s.msyet so locon raeccn sasdrep ot eht revil emyaonseutholg via aporlt osunev symtes tbu ostirehwe aerpdss ot idstant tsies via cily.samhtp teh qstnoiue akss eth eurot of aamitssest to teh viler nad tmuor enidgse fo het baomdilna aiytvc rmfo eht cnoolic otmur lliw otn cusae stem ni vl.i re4 caoirncsma atth sarsepd uemosyhngoelta oyln nda ynol darpess iva bdolo.

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cheesetouch  4 hotosmaegyneul edgpnsira scaernc a(amtohp : 3)ch RCC lnar(e e CvC)inH taepich( cnaecilhr mCuialroo)nircFo lvoia ca fo eht hirdoyt +4

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