el,lW het etseia ywa to losve is ujts kool ta all eth mcolusn ofr PA , A,H NP ....
nI sthi xlpaeme, oitra rean to .08o((pamecr teh eulva fo irtoa C/+-CAA) snmae sanicesert.
oNw okol at lla srstain nda see hwcih asnrtsi has ealvu scelo ot 80.
frteA ninidfg ,ttha hichw eegn etmnesg is coommn amnog lla tsoeh ssatniro(s it si .AH)
submitted by โlola915(57)
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I aodmcepr eth wto gsreepoin ttah dah .8 /ACA+-C YS(N/-2F p3)m;&a chiwh is eeulvntaiq ot ibgen seevitins to oummniam iceolhrd sa bdceiedrs in hte mes.t eTh toair ydaste eht meas ithw HA nad AN gineb FS ilewh het erst chdegan to YN ni hieetr 2 ro 3. heT itaro hgcnaed scftiglninyia hwen HA swa dcisehwt to NY in N)0Y(.-/S680F elhiw NA ydsate at S.F
hsTi oqnuseti koot me awy oto nolg ot svoel -- oto cmhu menlat csn,istmyag cslsiac .EMNB