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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying Helicobacter ...
Slipped-strand mispairing ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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scxesE tnraept psratee eald ot artdsn oig/lreppasrser eud ot na slbtaenu neogir in( iths se,ac sceesx edytniiC bs.a)es

tI oculd be a eredeapt ntertap sa lelw ei( eth toilidtcrneeu tpreea GAC in sgntn'.H)utnoi

'heser a mroe in dhpte tnoalniaepx m(fro iiapkwedi taelcri on denipatlpSrds- iarpiimngs:)

A eisplapg envte aolnylrm sccuor wnhe a eecsqnue fo vereipitet tlunedcoies net(amd eae)tprs era onudf at the seit of poalicrtin.e meTadn reeptsa are uslenbta esrgion of teh noeegm eehwr erutqfne noeissirtn adn eniledsot fo ulcstdeoien cna aket p,ecla giurlestn in noegem ra.rmsneageetrn

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hungrybox  enynAo owkn ywh 'its nto roTnaspnso ionn?iesrt I wsa ktnhnigi bamey basucee tnonrsspsao vhea to eb rgenol nhat eno clineeuod,t tbu m'I nto sue.r +7
bingcentipede  hbxugonry@ I thnki tis' euecsba rosssnptnoa ear usylaul gene sneemsgt atehrr anth a slnegi euoncldiet irtosnnei - splu w/ wath yuo adis atbuo teh ptreaede t,etranp I tihkn dsipadne-ltsrp gsirpiiamn (hhcwi si a epntcco eht BEMN lv)eos erom ll.kiey +28
i_hate_it_here  olco so hwy od I ened ot wkon this +5

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