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Retired NBME 13 Answers

nbme13/Block 4/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A mouse melanoma, B-16, is highly metastatic. ...
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submitted by mario(1)
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shit lsecl dhousl be mset llec aasnt,ltrnp so gihmno si eth neorinmnetv atth capcet emht nda rosinuh tmeh htwi tworgh ftaosrc to utrmae

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submitted by imkingran(1)
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Tsih gihnom oehnnoepmn aym eb retlaed ot turomu clel ongntciorie of fcicesip ex“ti ”sseit rmof het lnciioarutc ro ot wnseseaar of a lutraplcryia vobrouraafl—e —bigdldio“or”isnf of htnroea seitsu. hTis yam urcco scebaue of na aiytffin ttah ixsets eetbnew potererc pterosin no het rsfecau fo ccaern ellsc dan cemsuelol ahtt rae bandtnau in ccpisife sieutss.

AF 0,022 gp 1,22 Hllkmaa"rs of ncrC"ae

aaetsstisM is eeddinf by dnaitts rsaedp iva ihpao/dsctlomybl ;t--&g ibndgin ot imnldeuetoh -g;t-& aoxeiatnvrsat &ma;p .nmoghi

Senic asesmttisa ot yonl oen nrago ash eebn deaetcff, 'tis esaf ot asy siht elirv llce fuasecr tabodiyn sah eedaftcf "i"noghm aswortd het v.irel

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submitted by trazobone(97)
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iThs eclls osdhul eb mtse lcle apsralntnt os nhigmo si eht teeonnrvnmi htta caetpc thme and hoirnus tmhe wtih gwothr osrfact ot uatrem

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trazobone  I tdo’n ddsanntuer hwat I bdsc.ulmrnae hiTs deos ont lppya to eht sntuiqeo ?etsm +
trazobone  lpnraAeypt rteeh is oemtsnghi eladcl tcaih“pe ng”iohm ahtt ccrsuo twih uamoecnroln mnytfomalira lselc I vaeh nvere hreda hcsu a thnig +2

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