AF 0,022 gp 1,22 Hllkmaa"rs of ncrC"ae
aaetsstisM is eeddinf by dnaitts rsaedp iva ihpao/dsctlomybl ;t--&g ibndgin ot imnldeuetoh -g;t-& aoxeiatnvrsat &ma;p .nmoghi
Senic asesmttisa ot yonl oen nrago ash eebn deaetcff, 'tis esaf ot asy siht elirv llce fuasecr tabodiyn sah eedaftcf "i"noghm aswortd het v.irel
iThs eclls osdhul eb mtse lcle apsralntnt os nhigmo si eht teeonnrvnmi htta caetpc thme and hoirnus tmhe wtih gwothr osrfact ot uatrem
submitted by mario(1)
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shit lsecl dhousl be mset llec aasnt,ltrnp so gihmno si eth neorinmnetv atth capcet emht nda rosinuh tmeh htwi tworgh ftaosrc to utrmae