A) edioenC - nommoc ni huocg usrpy ubt its’ a keaw atisgon at um adn daetl r,ctrposee so e’shetr eotlinpta fro eaunctbss seab.u
B) rhhamperoxtnetDo - a hcuog tesapnspsru twhi wol nttailpoe orf saebu nda seod ton saeuc i;natpsinctoo aiogenanstz MAND oeprecstr n(to um paapk ro aeldt cesC
)te.rrop ma;p& D) roHhooyednprm &;apm xooyecond -- nettop sidipoo esdu ot etrat aemtoedr to srveee pian (I ma gnmauiss htey wokr at um crroesept btu ’ist ton ni FA so 🤷)️🏻)
♀E Taroamld - a kaew iiopdo sgontai esud rfo uneohtcapir pia,n asct yb kpteauer fo NE dna HIT
submitted by ∗trazobone(97)
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)A denoiCe - nommco in gouch syupr tub t’si a aewk tngasio ta um nad datle eesp,rtroc os eshr’et atiltopne rof nueacstbs uabes.
)B ooDtxtpmheaerrhn - a oghcu suspnepstra twhi owl tniletopa rof busea and osed ton seauc oatt;icsopnni noaezgtasin MADN ortecersp n(to mu pakpa or edalt eetc).srpro
C &;mpa )D rhHoodmporeyn mp&a; exyndcooo -- ettpno iodpsio euds ot trtae eadtmore to seveer pian I( ma suisngma yeht wkor ta um reptscore ubt sit’ ont in FA os ️🤷🏻♀)
E) draaTmlo - a ewka iiodpo anosigt esud for rpiheuatcno pain, csat by ukaperet of NE and 5HT