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Retired NBME 13 Answers

nbme13/Block 1/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old girl is found to have a grade ...
Ventricular septal defect ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—athenathefirst(7)
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yhW si tish DS?V Is it sutj ecbsuea hse is 3 esyra od?l I was tuskc enewbte VM,P .DVS

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schep  I kpecid VDS ubceesa fo eth oreitsnpdic fo hte d-luuu,mrorm h,hsar os,lhotioscyl sideatar rove uoimdcrepr adn bppealla trhlli ta eltf atnrlse dborre (I thnki aeebcsu hhig sereprus odblo si ovnmig rfmo Vgt;R-LV-& os oyu can lefe a hVl)MtrP il si alte tlsoisc,y rcscnoede umrumr hitw licmsotdsiy lkicc +1
castlblack  rlu e out lal iacltisdo urmumsr cdniglinu -arcoti regug,r t-rliam st,nsoise -APD n(o soudn in deosalit os ncat eb tucou.snon)i lu eR tou lla mmsrruu atht aer hdear no A and M set,si irt-oca o,stisesn -rtmial gug.rre tcCoatnaori fo teh taoar si adher tebewen eth apualsc I ader os leur atht out oo ltue.R out cersocedn soeccdrneed msuurr,m becsaeu toolhyislosc umrusrm era ikle yeht soud:n het esma thruugtoho syto.esl oi-mpculn os,sintes t-ialra lsaetp .edetfc AS( has ldraeay nbee rduel Yo)ouut ear nwo ltfe tihw rstcipdiu geurgr nda DVS. esU rh,sha hhgi tidhcpe siposrterdc to cpik VDS. iTpiduscr is ceedibrds as lgbinow sutj leik itmlar eug.rgr piudT scri grurge si a cesol iedtdaacn caeubes it is ehrad in the amse pealc sa V,DS nac be deu ot aietnlocng ormilnomftaa eg.. tsbieen naal.ymo It is lsao esen in rhutimace ervfe adn ord,ideicastn btu no rohet msomytsp ear edntmnioe os shti utsqieon si ainglen twdrao ilanengotc olmoinar.ftam +

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